The Lao Dong Newspaper Legal Consulting Office replied:
Clause 8, Article 3 of the 2023 Housing Law stipulates prohibited acts in the management and use of apartment buildings as follows:
a) Not paying maintenance fees for the common ownership of an apartment building (hereinafter referred to as maintenance fees); managing and using management and operation fees and maintenance fees that are not in accordance with the provisions of the law on housing;
b) intentionally causing leakage; causing noise and vibration exceeding the prescribed level; discharging waste, wastewater, exhaust gas, and toxic substances that are not in accordance with the provisions of the law on environmental protection or not in accordance with the regulations on management and use of apartment buildings; painting and decorating the exterior of apartments and apartment buildings that are not in accordance with the regulations on design and architecture; grazing, releasing livestock and poultry; slaughtering livestock in the apartment building area;
c) Arbitrarily changing the functions and purposes of using the common ownership and common use of an apartment building; using an apartment for purposes other than residential purposes; changing or damaging the load-bearing structure; dividing or separating apartments without permission from a competent state agency;
d) Arbitrarily using the area and equipment under common ownership, common use for private use; changing the purpose of using the area for service in an apartment building with mixed-use purposes without permission from a competent state agency to change the purpose of use;
d) Causing disorder, insecurity, fire, or explosion in apartment buildings; trading in materials that cause fire, explosion, and occupations that endanger the lives and property of apartment building users in accordance with the provisions of the law on fire prevention and fighting and other relevant provisions of law;
e) Running a nightclub, karaoke bar, bar; selling motor vehicle repair; operating a business of other polluting services according to the provisions of the law on environmental protection; operating restaurant services without ensuring compliance with fire prevention and fighting requirements, having a safe place and complying with other business conditions as prescribed by law.
Thus, prohibited acts in the management and use of apartment buildings are regulated as above.
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