How are people supported whose homes were swept away by floods

Nam Dương |

Reader email asked: Will people whose houses were swept away by floods receive support from the State? What is the specific level of support?

Office of Legal Consulting Lao Dong Newspaper replied:

Article 15, Chapter III on emergency social assistance of Decree 20/2021/ND-CP stipulates support for housing construction and repair as follows:

1. Poor households, near-poor households, and households in difficult circumstances whose houses have collapsed, washed away, or burned down completely due to natural disasters, fires, or other force majeure reasons and have no place to live will be considered for housing cost support with a minimum of VND 40,000,000/household.

2. Households that must urgently relocate their houses according to the decision of a competent authority due to the risk of landslides, floods, natural disasters, fires or other force majeure reasons will be considered for support for house relocation costs with a minimum of VND 30,000,000/household.

3. Poor households, near-poor households, and households in difficult circumstances whose houses are severely damaged by natural disasters, fires, or other force majeure reasons and cannot be lived in will be considered for support for housing repair costs with a minimum of VND 20,000,000/household.

4. Procedures for considering support for housing construction and repair are implemented according to the following regulations:

a) Households submit a Housing Support Application Form according to Form No. 06 issued with this Decree to the Chairman of the People's Committee at the commune level;

b) The procedure for considering housing support shall comply with the provisions of Clause 3, Article 12 of this Decree.

Thus, people belonging to the above subjects whose houses are swept away by floods will receive support from the State as above.

Legal advice

Please call the legal advice hotline: 0979310518; 0961360559 to receive a quick, timely answer or email us: for a response.

Nam Dương

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