Finalize resettlement plan for Nu Village after natural disaster

Bảo Nguyên |

Lao Cai - This resettlement area is initially expected to arrange 40 houses for 40 families in Lang Nu village who were damaged in the recent flash flood and landslide.

On the afternoon of September 15, Mr. Trinh Xuan Truong, Chairman of Lao Cai Provincial People's Committee, conducted a field survey and directed the resettlement plan for households in Lang Nu, Phuc Khanh commune, Bao Yen district.

The survey team included Prof. Dr. Tran Thanh Hai, Principal of the University of Mining and Geology; geological experts; leaders of several departments and branches of Lao Cai province and Bao Yen district.

The survey team went to some locations planned for resettlement for households in Lang Nu, listened to professional agencies quickly report on the situation of geological measurement, survey, and calculation of resettlement plans; at the same time, consulted local people about information on hydrological situation and customs of the people.

Lanh dao tinh Lao Cai kiem tra dia hinh khu vuc chon de tai dinh cu cho nguoi dan. Anh: TTXVN phat
Lao Cai provincial leaders inspect the terrain of the area chosen for resettlement. Photo: Lao Cai Propaganda Department

After field surveys, geological and construction experts gave their opinions on two resettlement options.

Accordingly, the first option is to resettle in the middle of a field, about 3 hectares wide.

The second option is in the sim hill area, about 2km from the old village, a land with high terrain, safe, convenient for arranging traffic infrastructure, electricity and water, spacious.

This resettlement area is initially expected to house 40 families affected by the recent flash floods and landslides.

Chu tich UBND tinh Lao Cai (ao xanh, dung giua) cung cac co quan chuyen mon va chuyen gia thao luan phuong an chon vi tri xay dung Lang Nu moi. Anh Ban Tuyen giao Tinh uy Lao Cai cung cap.
Chairman of Lao Cai Provincial People's Committee (in blue shirt, standing in the middle) and specialized agencies and experts discuss the plan to choose a location to build the new Nu Village. Photo: Lao Cai Propaganda Department

Experts also gave some opinions on the selection of location, calculating the architectural design of the house to ensure disaster prevention and suit the traditional architecture and customs of the Tay people here.

After research and discussion, comrade Trinh Xuan Truong, Chairman of Lao Cai Provincial People's Committee, proposed that the Vietnam Architectural Association support the design of stilt houses suitable for the functional use and traditional architecture and customs of the people.

Regarding the proposed resettlement location, the Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee said that the first option is not safe because it is low, two streams flow around, the risk of flash floods can occur, very dangerous. Therefore, priority is given to choosing the second option.

The survey team also collected opinions from the people of Lang Nu and received high consensus and agreement with option two.

100% nguoi dan co nhu cau tai dinh cu do hau qua cua lu quet da chon phuong an 2 de xay dung Lang Nu moi. Anh Ban Tuyen giao Tinh uy Lao Cai cung cap.
100% of people in need of resettlement due to the consequences of flash floods have chosen option 2 to build a new Nu Village. Photo: Lao Cai Propaganda Department

The Chairman of Lao Cai Provincial People's Committee directed that on September 16, relevant agencies and units must deploy means and human resources to measure, plan, and calculate compensation for site clearance, speed up construction progress, and be determined to complete resettlement before December 31, 2024.

Mr. Trinh Xuan Truong also hopes that local people will participate in helping workers during the construction process to create a new Nu Village more beautiful than the old Nu Village, helping people in the flood-affected areas overcome pain and stabilize their lives.

As previously reported by Lao Dong Newspaper, the horrific landslide that occurred early in the morning of September 10 flattened 40 houses in Lang Nu village, with 168 people. Of these, 3 were over 70 years old, 18 were children under 6 years old, 14 were under 14 years old, and the rest were between 15-69 years old.

The area where the flash flood occurred is far from the center (40km from Bao Yen district, 120km from Lao Cai city), traffic is cut off, communication is completely lost, so it took the district's rescue team many hours to reach the scene.

Thus, by the end of September 15, 87 people were safe. The total number of dead and missing people to date is 66 cases (a decrease of 29 cases compared to the initially announced figures).

Currently, forces are actively searching for the remaining 14 missing victims.

Bảo Nguyên

Số người an toàn sau vụ lở núi tại Làng Nủ tăng lên 87

Đinh Đại |

Lào Cai - Đến thời điểm chiều 15.9, có 87 người an toàn sau vụ lở núi tại thôn Làng Nủ, tổng số người chết và mất tích giảm xuống 66.

57 người dân Làng Nủ an toàn, còn 33 nạn nhân mất tích

Đinh Đại |

Lào Cai - Đến 16h chiều 14.9, lực lượng chức năng ghi nhận 57 người an toàn; còn 33 nạn nhân mất tích trong vụ lũ quét tàn khốc ở Làng Nủ.

Quy hoạch xây dựng nhà mới cho 37 hộ dân Làng Nủ

Đinh Đại |

Câu chuyện 2 gia đình với 8 nhân khẩu vẫn an toàn sau vụ lũ quét tại Làng Nủ, xã Phúc Khánh, huyện Bảo Yên, tỉnh Lào Cai tựa như một phép màu, bừng sáng niềm hy vọng tìm kiếm 39 người còn mất tích.

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Number of people safe after landslide in Lang Nu increased to 87

Đinh Đại |

Lao Cai - As of the afternoon of September 15, 87 people were safe after the landslide in Lang Nu village, the total number of dead and missing people decreased to 66.

57 people of Lang Nu village are safe, 33 victims are still missing

Đinh Đại |

Lao Cai - As of 4:00 p.m. on September 14, authorities recorded 57 people as safe; 33 victims were still missing in the devastating flash flood in Lang Nu.

Planning to build new houses for 37 households in Lang Nu

Đinh Đại |

The story of two families with eight members still safe after the flash flood in Lang Nu, Phuc Khanh commune, Bao Yen district, Lao Cai province is like a miracle, lighting up the hope of finding the 39 missing people.