Procedure for payment of benefits when security guard at the facility is injured

Nam Dương |

Reader with email asked: What is the procedure for resolving the injured regime for people participating in protecting security and order at the grassroots level?

Office of Legal Consulting Lao Dong Newspaper replied:

Clause 3, Article 24 of the Law on Forces Participating in Protecting Security and Order at the Grassroots Level (effective from July 1, 2024) stipulates: People who have not participated in social insurance but have an accident that reduces their ability to work according to the conclusion of the Medical Assessment Council will be considered for a subsidy depending on the level of reduced ability to work; if they die, their relatives will receive a death benefit and funeral allowance.

Clause 5, Article 5 of Decree 40/2024/ND-CP stipulates the procedure for payment of regimes and policies for people participating in the security and order protection force at the grassroots level who have not participated in health insurance but are sick, have accidents or are injured while performing their duties as follows:

a) The person requesting support for illness, accident, injury or legal representative prepares 01 set of documents as prescribed in Clause 4 of this Article and submits to the People's Committee at the commune level or the People's Committee at the district level in one of the following forms: Submit directly; via postal service; hire services from enterprises or individuals; submit online at the National Public Service Portal or the Provincial Administrative Procedure Information System;

b) The People's Committee at the commune level or the People's Committee at the district level is responsible for receiving and checking the dossier. In case the dossier is invalid, it must be responsible for providing immediate guidance for completion. Within 02 working days from the date of receiving the complete valid dossier, the receiving agency shall transfer the dossier to the Department of Labor - Invalids and Social Affairs at the district level for appraisal;

c) The district-level Department of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs is responsible for appraising the dossier within 05 working days from the date of receiving a complete and valid dossier. In case the dossier does not meet the requirements for settlement, the appraising agency must issue a written response stating the reasons;

d) Within 02 working days from the date the district-level Department of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs reports that the dossier is eligible for settlement, the Chairman of the People's Committee at the district level shall issue a decision to pay medical examination and treatment support costs for sick, injured or injured people;

d) Within 03 working days from the date the Chairman of the People's Committee at the district level issues a decision to pay the expenses, the People's Committee at the commune level is responsible for paying the medical examination and treatment expenses for sick, injured or injured people; in places where there is no commune-level administrative unit, the payment will be made by the district police; the payment will be made by bank transfer or by post or directly received at the paying agency.

Thus, the procedure for payment of benefits and policies for security and order protection force members at the grassroots level who have not participated in health insurance and are injured while performing their duties is prescribed as above.

Legal advice

Please call the legal advice hotline: 0979310518; 0961360559 to receive a quick, timely answer or email us: for a response.

Nam Dương

Lực lượng bảo vệ an ninh, trật tự ở cơ sở, cánh tay nối dài cho Công an nhân dân

Minh Tâm - Anh Tú |

Hơn một tháng thực hiện nhiệm vụ, các thành viên lực lượng tham gia bảo vệ an ninh, trật tự (ANTT) ở cơ sở phường Nguyễn Thái Bình (Quận 1) đã mang lại hiệu quả đáng kể, tỉ lệ tội phạm trên địa bàn giảm, xứng đáng là cánh tay nối dài của Công an nhân dân (CAND) trong công tác bảo vệ an ninh, trật tự tại TPHCM.

Quy định về tuyển chọn tổ viên tổ bảo vệ an ninh ở cơ sở?

Nam Dương |

Bạn đọc có email hỏi: Việc tuyển chọn tổ viên tổ bảo vệ an ninh, trật tự ở cơ sở như thế nào?

Cội nguồn sức mạnh trong sự nghiệp bảo vệ an ninh, trật tự

Vương Trần |

Bộ trưởng Lương Tam Quang nhấn mạnh: "Nhân dân là cội nguồn sức mạnh, là nhân tố quyết định thắng lợi sự nghiệp bảo vệ an ninh, trật tự".

Ngày hội toàn dân bảo vệ an ninh Tổ quốc năm 2024

Lương Hạnh |

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BRICS có khả năng trở thành khối lớn nhất hành tinh

Khánh Minh |

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Nam Dương |

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