The group of brothers who overcame thousands of obstacles shared about their difficulties


With the topic of performing 5 shows "Anh trai vu ngan cong gai" which is a performance without the support of a dance troupe or props or scenery, how did the talented artists solve it?

At the show "Why Call Me By Fire" in the program "Anh trai vu ngan cong gai", the talented actors shared the difficulties in preparing the performances that took place in episode 12 of Cong ly 5.

In the vocal performance of the Children's House, the main singers of the song "If" were Bui Cong Nam, Thien Minh, Quoc Thien, Thanh Duy, and Tang Phuc. The remaining members assisted in the performance.

The first time he brought such a psychologically heavy role to the stage of "Anh trai vu ngan cong gai", right from the rehearsal on stage, Duy Khanh started to "nurture his emotions". There were many times, because of the overwhelming emotions, he continuously shed tears.

Sharing about the difficulties of the topic given by the program "Two Parallel Worlds" in this Performance 5, Duy Khanh said: "Khanh thinks the limitations of Performance 5 help everyone to be more creative. At first, when we heard that there were no dancers, everyone "complained to the heavens".

But because there were no dancers, the group had to divide the singers into singers and the rest of the members were dancers. The only problem was that there were no dancers, so the brothers had to practice dancing all day and had to form a team, changing constantly.

No scenery, no props, no LED screen, the audience can look at the costumes and the setting and still understand what style we are following and what we want to convey...".

On the other side of the battle line, Nha Tinh Hoa performed the song “Phai” as a standard vocal performance. The talented artists did not stage or tell a story like Nha Thieu Nhi. They focused on performing vocals and conveying emotions through their voices.

If Nha Thieu Nhi spent a lot of time practicing the choreography and telling the story of Duy Khanh, Nha Tinh Hoa spent a lot of time on the song's framework. SOOBIN shared that he and Bang Kieu had to discuss a lot to find the most satisfactory song structure.

“Kieu and I also discussed a lot to find a song structure and direction to attract listeners. At first, I hadn’t listened to the song yet, but when I recorded it myself and created the song’s framework, I really loved the song and had a lot of emotions,” SOOBIN confided.

Cac anh tai tap luyen. Anh: NSX.
Talents practicing. Photo: NSX.

For the performance of "Bay", because this is such a familiar song, the Children's House decided to completely remake this song.

As for the performance idea, the Children's House still maintains the idea of ​​having all the talents perform to create a vibrant atmosphere and fill the stage.

On the side of Tinh Hoa House, 6 talented performers performed the performance "Roi" including: Jun Pham, S.T Son Thach, Kay Tran, Truong The Vinh, BB Tran and (S) TRONG Trong Hieu.

Sharing about the difficulties of a pure performance without a dance troupe, Jun Pham said: “6 people to convey a song like that on stage without dancers, only 6 brothers, no one to cover up, all the bad things will be revealed.

If you ask Jun which song out of the 3 songs he feels the most pressured about, he feels the most pressured about the song "Roi".

Thus, after 2 matches in episode 12, the Children's House and the Elite House both had to face the loss of a member. This increased the pressure on the talents in the New Song match in episode 13.


Bán hết 20.000 vé concert Anh trai vượt ngàn chông gai


Chia sẻ với phóng viên Báo Lao Động, đạo diễn Đinh Hà Uyên Thư cho biết, cô bất ngờ khi biết 20.000 vé concert show Anh trai bán hết trong 45 phút.

Đoạn rap có tên nhiều Anh trai vượt ngàn chông gai gây bão

Hà Linh |

Liên Bỉnh Phát thử sức với rap được coi là một trong những khoảnh khắc ấn tượng trong công diễn 5 của "Anh trai vượt ngàn chông gai".

Anh trai say hi Negav lại mất điểm trong mắt khán giả


Nam rapper Negav khiến nhiều khán giả bức xúc vì vô tư về chuyện nghỉ học là đúng đắn của mình ngay tại concert Anh trai say hi.

4 đặc tính cần có của lãnh đạo thời chuyển đổi số

Hà Anh |

Sáng 4.10, ông Nguyễn Mạnh Hùng - Ủy viên Trung ương Đảng, Bộ trưởng Bộ Thông tin và Truyền thông - trao đổi chuyên đề “Bàn về lãnh đạo thời chuyển đổi số”.

Ngắm 4 bộ hiện vật đang đề nghị công nhận Bảo vật Quốc gia


HUẾ - Thừa Thiên Huế vừa hoàn tất hồ sơ đề nghị công nhận Bảo vật Quốc gia đối với 4 bộ hiện vật có từ thời nhà Nguyễn.

Sai phạm của cựu Thư ký Thứ trưởng vụ chuyến bay giải cứu

Việt Dũng |

Cơ quan điều tra chỉ ra sai phạm của Phạm Trung Kiên - cựu Thư ký Thứ trưởng Bộ Y tế - ở giai đoạn 2 vụ chuyến bay giải cứu nhưng không xử lý ở lần này.

Chung kết Anh trai vượt ngàn chông gai sẽ không có quán quân


Xác nhận với phóng viên Báo Lao Động, phía chương trình "Anh trai vượt ngàn chông gai" cho hay, chung kết sẽ không chọn ra quán quân.

Tạm giữ người cha cùng 1 phụ nữ vụ nghi bạo hành bé 6 tuổi

Minh Anh |

TPHCM - Ngày 4.10, Công an đang tạm giữ người cha cùng một người phụ nữ liên quan vụ bé trai 6 tuổi nghi bị bạo hành ở Quận 8 (TPHCM).

20,000 tickets sold out for the concert "Call Me by Fire"


Sharing with Lao Dong Newspaper reporter, director Dinh Ha Uyen Thu said she was surprised to learn that 20,000 tickets for the Call Me by Fire concert show were sold out in 45 minutes.

The rap with the name "Call Me by Fire" caused a storm

Hà Linh |

Lien Binh Phat's attempt at rap is considered one of the impressive moments in the 5th performance of "Call Me by Fire".

Say hi Negav brother lost points in the eyes of the audience again


Rapper Negav made many audiences angry because he was carefree about the right thing to do when he dropped out of school at the Anh trai say hi concert.