Culture - Entertainment

A deep understanding of how to treat people in a negative way through the book of the bull - Ceremony


The book The Book of the props - Ceremony analyzes in depth the role and influence of Ceremony in cultivating personal moral qualities.

Miss Global 2025 apologizes to Vietnamese audiences for the cow's tongue


After being boycotted by Vietnamese audiences for using a clip with an illegal "beef tongue road" image, the Organizing Committee (OC) of the Miss Global contest wrote an apology letter.

Mood weather


We live in a world where the weather never stands still. People often like stability, but naturally like to tease with unexpected changes. The cold early tomorrow can make a person who had to wake up early suddenly crave a little more rounds in the blanket. The sunlight at noon makes us nervous and at night we have to take our coat out and wear it because the wind is cold.

The end of Chi Pu and Quynh Anh Shyn's relationship


Chi Pu and Quynh Anh Shyn suddenly reunited, happily chatting after many years of suspected conflict.

The beauty of 19 contestants in the 2025 Miss Hanoi final


After the preliminary round, 19 excellent contestants have officially appeared in the final round of the Dien Bien Flower Beauty Contest 2025.