Women in Bac Lieu worry about lack of jobs in their hometown


Bac Lieu - It is difficult for rural women to find jobs, and it is even more difficult to make products to sell after learning a trade.

Ms. Pham Thi Huong (Minh Dieu Commune, Hoa Binh District) stated the current situation: Currently, the locality opens many vocational training classes to solve employment for rural women. After training, the Women's Union established professional groups, but they have no output or have output but it is not stable. If there is, it lasts for a while and then stops because the company pays low wages.

That was one of the issues raised by women to the Chairman of the People's Committee of Bac Lieu province at the dialogue with officials, members, and women of the province in 2024 with the theme: "Accompanying and supporting women in comprehensive development, promoting gender equality" held on October 9.

Ba Pham Thi Huong neu thuc trang phu nu tai Bac Lieu thieu viec lam, sau dao tao van gap kho do san pham lam ra kho tieu thu. Anh: Nhat Ho
Ms. Pham Thi Huong pointed out the current situation of women in Bac Lieu lacking jobs, and after training still facing difficulties because their products are difficult to sell. Photo: Nhat Ho

At the dialogue, Mr. Dinh Xuan Phuong - Deputy Director of the Department of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs of Bac Lieu province - agreed with the way women raised the issue of employment in rural areas.

Mr. Phuong said that recently, the Provincial People's Committee has directed provincial departments, branches and localities to deploy and implement solutions to attract and create favorable conditions for female members to participate in vocational training classes, while focusing on improving the quality of vocational training and creating jobs for workers, including female members.

Ong Dinh Xuan Phuong, Pho Giam doc So Lao dong Thuong binh Xa hoi tinh Bac Lieu khuyen phu nu can chon nghe dung kha nang, so truong cua minh. Anh: Nhat Ho
Mr. Dinh Xuan Phuong, Deputy Director of the Department of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs of Bac Lieu province, advised women to choose a career that suits their abilities and strengths. Photo: Nhat Ho

Mr. Phuong also acknowledged the reality: “The process of implementing vocational training associated with job creation for learners, including female members, is still limited and has shortcomings such as: The coordination of relevant agencies and units to implement this work is not synchronous and tight; professional groups have been formed, but lack operational orientation, so they do not last long; besides, learners have not identified the right motivation and purpose for participating in vocational training”.

He also suggested choosing a career that suits your strengths, not following trends.

Nhieu cau hoi cua phu nu duoc cac so, nganh, Chu tich UBND tinh Bac Lieu tra loi thau dao. Anh: Nhat Ho
Many questions from women were thoroughly answered by departments, branches, and the Chairman of the Bac Lieu Provincial People's Committee. Photo: Nhat Ho

Chairman of Bac Lieu Provincial People's Committee Pham Van Thieu frankly admitted that Bac Lieu province's industry has not developed. After researching, big investors in the province did not invest because the province did not have highways, airports, or seaports; industrial zones and clusters also did not have many factories, enterprises, etc., so the demand for labor recruitment was very low. This led to very few jobs on the spot, local jobs in general, and for women in particular.

Chu tich Bac Lieu Pham Van Thieu cho rang viec lam tai Bac Lieu khong nhieu nen con tinh trang lao dong bo xu ra di. Anh: Nhat Ho
Bac Lieu Chairman Pham Van Thieu said that there are not many jobs in Bac Lieu, so there is still a situation of workers leaving the country. Photo: Nhat Ho

The Chairman of Bac Lieu is troubled by the image of Bac Lieu workers returning to their hometowns near Tet, and then packing up and heading to Binh Duong and Dong Nai after Tet. He emphasized: “The Party Committee and the government are very saddened by this situation. They are trying every way to create jobs for workers locally, but it is not effective because Bac Lieu is still facing difficulties, industry is not yet developed, and the demand for labor recruitment is low.”

From this reality, the Chairman of Bac Lieu called on women at all levels to uphold the spirit of self-reliance, self-control, solidarity, strive to overcome difficulties, eliminate inferiority complex and complacency to be steadfast, confident, and contribute more.


Bạc Liêu muốn chuyển ký túc xá bỏ hoang làm nhà ở xã hội


Bạc Liêu - Ký túc xá sinh viên có tổng mức đầu tư 260 tỉ đồng từ năm 2013 rồi bỏ hoang tới nay. Tỉnh Bạc Liêu đang lên phương án xử lý.

Bạc Liêu nhận diện khó khăn để tập trung phát triển đoàn viên


Là tỉnh có ít doanh nghiệp, số đoàn viên công đoàn không nhiều, Bạc Liêu nhận diện những khó khăn này để tập trung phát triển đoàn viên, thành lập mới CĐCS trong thời gian tới.

Nhiều khoản thu đầu năm tại Bạc Liêu chưa đúng quy định


Tỉnh Bạc Liêu đề nghị các cơ sở giáo dục không thu dồn các khoản ngay từ đầu năm. Tuy nhiên, qua kiểm tra vẫn còn nhiều nơi thu không đúng quy định.

Rắc rối tên gọi, Khu công nghệ cao Bạc Liêu chưa vận hành


Do khác biệt về tên gọi, Khu công nghệ cao Bạc Liêu vẫn chưa được quy hoạch sử dụng đất, cấp giấy chứng nhận quyền sử dụng đất.

Bạc Liêu có hơn 8.000 ha lúa bị sập do ảnh hưởng bão


Theo thống kê chính thức của Sở NNPTNT tỉnh Bạc Liêu, đến ngày 9.9, diện tích lúa bị đổ ngã tại Bạc Liêu là 8.025 ha.

Phát triển đoàn viên khu vực doanh nghiệp ở Bạc Liêu còn khó


Ngày 29.8 Đoàn công tác Tổng TLĐLĐVN đã có cuộc làm việc với tỉnh Bạc Liêu về công tác phát triển đoàn viên, công đoàn cơ sở trên địa bàn.

Điểm tựa của công nhân lao động Bạc Liêu


Công nhân lao động tại Bạc Liêu yên tâm gắn bó với nghề, hăng say lao động, đóng góp cho phát triển kinh tế xã hội bởi bên họ có tổ chức Công đoàn.

“Thót tim” cảnh cầu treo rung lắc dữ dội khi có xe đi qua


HUẾ - Tuổi đời hơn 20 năm, cầu treo Bình Thành (thị xã Hương Trà, Thừa Thiên Huế) xuống cấp nghiêm trọng, rung lắc dữ dội mỗi lần có xe đi qua.

Bac Lieu wants to convert abandoned dormitory into social housing


Bac Lieu - The student dormitory had a total investment of 260 billion VND since 2013 and has been abandoned until now. Bac Lieu province is planning to handle it.

Bac Lieu identifies difficulties to focus on developing union members


As a province with few enterprises and a small number of union members, Bac Lieu identifies these difficulties to focus on developing union members and establishing new grassroots unions in the coming time.

Many early year revenues in Bac Lieu are not in accordance with regulations


Bac Lieu province requested educational institutions not to collect fees at the beginning of the year. However, through inspection, there are still many places that collect fees incorrectly.

Naming problem, Bac Lieu High-Tech Park not yet operational


Due to the difference in name, Bac Lieu High-Tech Park has not yet been planned for land use and granted a land use right certificate.

Bac Lieu has more than 8,000 hectares of rice destroyed due to the storm's impact.


According to official statistics from the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development of Bac Lieu province, as of September 9, the area of ​​rice that had fallen in Bac Lieu was 8,025 hectares.

Developing union members in the business sector in Bac Lieu is still difficult.


On August 29, the working delegation of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor had a working session with Bac Lieu province on the development of union members and grassroots unions in the area.

The fulcrum of Bac Lieu workers


Workers in Bac Lieu feel secure in sticking to their jobs, working enthusiastically, and contributing to socio-economic development because they have a trade union.