Bac Lieu identifies difficulties to focus on developing union members


As a province with few enterprises and a small number of union members, Bac Lieu identifies these difficulties to focus on developing union members and establishing new grassroots unions in the coming time.

Identifying difficulties

Currently, Bac Lieu province has 2,667 operating enterprises with 38,581 employees. There are few enterprises and not many workers, which is the reason why the work of developing union members and establishing grassroots unions in the enterprise area faces many difficulties.

Vice President of the Bac Lieu Provincial Federation of Labor Huynh Hoang Anh said that the work of developing union members is of special concern. However, due to the characteristics of Bac Lieu province with few enterprises; most of them are small and medium-sized, family-sized, the establishment of grassroots unions faces many difficulties.

The province has 38 non-state enterprises with less than 25 union members that have established grassroots unions with 551 union members. The sector where the State holds more than 50% of charter capital has 6 grassroots unions with 476 union members; non-state enterprises have 86 grassroots unions with 9,434 union members.

Recognizing this difficulty, the Standing Committee of the Bac Lieu Provincial Federation of Labor determined that the work of developing union members and establishing grassroots unions is a regular and continuous task. Therefore, it continuously directed all levels of the Union to pay special attention and proactively advise Party committees and authorities to establish teams to mobilize the establishment of party and union organizations in non-state units.

Efforts to "wipe out" trade unions outside the state sector

Hong Dan is considered a purely agricultural district, with few businesses in the area, most of which are small businesses. Not leaving the non-state trade union blank, after some mobilization, on the afternoon of September 20, the Hong Dan District Labor Federation officially launched the provisional Executive Committee of the Ngan Dua Construction Union, Hong Dan District. At this launch, 32 union members were also officially admitted to the union.

Chairman of the Hong Dan District Labor Federation Phan Minh The said that currently, Hong Dan still has a number of cooperatives and unions that are mobilizing to develop union members and establish grassroots unions in this area.

Meanwhile, in Bac Lieu city, although it seemed to be more favorable, the work of developing union members and establishing grassroots unions also encountered many difficulties. With the spirit of "even when it is difficult, we must do it", the City Labor Federation proactively advised the Standing Committee of the City Party Committee to decide to establish a Steering Committee to mobilize the establishment of Trade Unions in enterprises, with the Vice Chairman of the City People's Committee as the Head; the Head of the City Party Committee's Mass Mobilization Committee and the Chairman of the City Labor Federation as the Deputy Heads, with members being leaders of sectors and localities.

In addition, the People's Committee of Bac Lieu City has issued a document to enterprises in the area, requesting that units create favorable conditions for the establishment of grassroots trade union organizations in enterprises. The City Labor Federation has newly established 8 grassroots trade unions, bringing the total number of grassroots trade unions under the City Labor Federation to 94; developed 850 new union members, bringing the total number of union members to nearly 3,600.

Along with developing union members and establishing grassroots unions, the City Labor Federation also promotes the role of protecting the legitimate rights and interests of union members and workers.

Trade Unions at all levels in Bac Lieu province have mobilized and developed 674 new union members, reaching 29.30% (the target was 2,300 union members). Dissolved 3 grassroots unions due to ineffective operations, and established 4 new grassroots unions. Up to now, the whole province has 693 grassroots unions, with 31,083 union members. Bac Lieu Trade Union will strive to complete the target of developing union members and establishing new grassroots unions.


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