10 Quang Ngai fishermen injured, broken arms, suspected of being attacked


Quang Ngai - A fishing boat of fishermen working in the Hoang Sa archipelago was suspected to have been attacked by foreign forces, causing 3 people to have broken arms and legs and 7 crew members to be injured.

On September 30, Binh Hai Border Guard Station, Binh Son District, Quang Ngai Province informed the results of the verification of the incident in which fishing boat QNg-95739-TS operating in the Hoang Sa archipelago was suspected of being obstructed and attacked by foreign forces.

After receiving the information, Binh Hai Border Guard Station coordinated with Binh Chau Commune People's Committee and Binh Chau Commune Community Watch Station to verify. Accordingly, at about 5:00 p.m. on September 29, 2024, the unit received information from Mr. Nguyen Thanh Nam (born in 1964) in Binh Chau Commune - the person in charge of the Watch Station, announcing: At about 4:40 p.m. on the same day, via Icom device, he contacted Mr. Nguyen Thanh Bien, resident of Binh Chau Commune, saying that on Mr. Nguyen Thanh Bien's fishing boat, there were 3 crew members with broken arms and legs, and 7 crew members were injured. The boat contacted the Maritime Search and Rescue Coordination Center Region II and the functional forces for rescue support.

Fishing boat QNg-95739-TS is 21 meters long, 760 horsepower, owned by Ms. Nguyen Thi Dung (born in 1984), and captained by Mr. Nguyen Thanh Bien (born in 1984). Both reside in Chau Thuan Bien village, Binh Chau commune. This fishing boat left Sa Ky Border Control Station/Sa Ky Port Border Guard Station at 10:45 a.m. on September 13, 2024, registered to fish in Hoang Sa archipelago, with 10 crew members on board.

Through monitoring on the fishing vessel journey monitoring system, fishing vessel QNg-95739-TS is currently moving towards shore, in the West - Southwest direction, at a speed of 6 nautical miles/hour. Expected to arrive at the locality on October 1, 2024.

Binh Hai Border Guard Station continues to maintain contact with the family, the community watchtower and the fisherman's family to obtain more information about the incident and promptly report to the Quang Ngai Border Guard Command. Continue to coordinate with Coast Guard Region 2, local authorities and functional forces to exchange information about the incident. Conduct investigation and verification when fishing boat QNg-95739-TS returns to the locality.


Quảng Ngãi sẽ xử lý dứt điểm tàu cá không đăng ký


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2 ngư dân gặp nạn trên biển ở xã Thạch Kim, huyện Lộc Hà (Hà Tĩnh) vừa được lực lượng chức năng kịp thời ứng cứu.

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Kiều Vũ - Hải Nguyễn |

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1 tài xế ôtô đưa đón học sinh dùng giấy phép lái xe giả

Duy Tuấn |

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Quang Ngai will thoroughly handle unregistered fishing vessels


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