2-year-old boy in Ho Chi Minh City dies after lunch at school

Chân Phúc |

HCMC - A 2-year-old boy showed unusual symptoms while eating lunch and was taken to the hospital by his teacher for emergency treatment but died later.

On September 23, authorities in Ho Chi Minh City are investigating and clarifying the cause of the death of a boy named D.T.K (23 months old) after lunch at the private kindergarten V.H.

Mr. Luu Hong Uyen - Head of the Education and Training Division of District 6 - said that the Chairman of the People's Committee of District 6 has requested the Department of Education and Training to coordinate with the Ward People's Committee to report the incident, and at the same time direct the police to clarify the cause of child K's death.

According to initial information, on the morning of September 20, when the class's nanny was feeding the child, she saw that the child appeared to be choking. The child was taken to District 6 Hospital by teachers and school staff for emergency treatment in a state of cardiac arrest and cyanosis.

The baby was then transferred to Children's Hospital 1. At around 1:30 a.m. on September 21, baby D.T.K passed away. The cause of death was determined by Children's Hospital 1 as "cardiac arrest, respiratory arrest before admission, cerebral edema, acute pulmonary edema".

The investigation agency also went to the school to work, extracting all necessary camera data, including data on K's class mealtimes, and collected food samples that the children ate on September 20, working with the teachers and nannies involved.

Baby K's family has agreed to an autopsy to find out the cause of the baby's death.

Giay bao tu cua Benh vien Nhi Dong 1.
Baby K died of cardiac arrest, respiratory arrest before admission, cerebral edema, and acute pulmonary edema. Photo: Family provided

According to the camera on the day of the incident, at that time there were about 9 children and 3 nannies in the class, each nanny was feeding 3 children. While feeding baby K, the baby showed signs of difficulty eating, so the nanny took him outside to wash his hands and mouth, then came back in.

After that, the baby still showed signs of discomfort, and the teacher patted her back but she did not show any signs of improvement. Determining that the baby was abnormal, the teacher picked the baby up, shook her, and carried her to the front, together with the security guard, taking the baby to the emergency room.

Chân Phúc

Tai nạn liên hoàn ở TPHCM khiến 2 người tử vong

Minh Tâm |

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Án mạng 1 người tử vong ở TPHCM nghi do mâu thuẫn tình cảm


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Tô Công |

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Linh Trang - Cao Thơm |

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