How does Binh Dinh respond to natural disasters?

Hoài Phương |

With the forecast of 1-2 storms at the end of the year, Binh Dinh requires localities and units not to be negligent or subjective in natural disaster prevention and control.

Storms are forecast in the last months of the year.

According to the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development of Binh Dinh province, 2024 is warned to be a year of unusual natural disasters. In particular, Binh Dinh is a locality that may be directly or indirectly affected by 1-2 storms and tropical depressions; there is a possibility of 4-5 large-scale heavy rains in October and November.

Faced with erratic weather conditions, Binh Dinh province has planned and implemented disaster prevention activities in 2024. At the same time, many working groups have been established to inspect disaster prevention activities in localities.

Phuong Ghenh Rang (TP Quy Nhon) bi nuoc lu vay quanh (chup ngay 20.11.2022). Anh: Hoai Luan
Ghenh Rang Ward (Quy Nhon City) surrounded by floodwaters (taken on November 20, 2022). Photo: Hoai Luan

Recently, on September 7, 2024, storm No. 3 (Yagi) made landfall in Quang Ninh and Hai Phong provinces, causing loss of life and property. Many northern localities affected by the storm experienced floods, flash floods, inundation, landslides, causing damage to many infrastructure works, properties and especially human lives.

Therefore, if natural disasters occur in Binh Dinh province in October and November, the province's disaster prevention forces will focus on implementing response work to minimize human losses.

According to statistics, Binh Dinh currently has 403,460 households with 1,478,043 people reviewed and updated on the Provincial Disaster Management software. Of these, 281,465 vulnerable people need attention and support when natural disasters occur.

Localities have also identified the number of households and people who need to be evacuated; evacuation locations, logistics at evacuation destinations, means and human resources to respond to natural disasters according to the "4 on-site" principle (forces, means, logistics and on-site command). At the same time, evacuation plans have been prepared for each level of storm and flood risk.

Ban Chi huy PCTT - TKCN va PTDS tinh Binh Dinh kiem tra diem sat lo suoi Tinh Cam (xa An Quang, huyen An Lao) cuoi nam 2022. Anh: Hoai Luan
The Steering Committee for Disaster Prevention, Search and Rescue and Disaster Prevention of Binh Dinh province inspected the landslide site of Tinh Cam stream (An Quang commune, An Lao district) at the end of 2022. Photo: Hoai Luan

Through review, the whole province has 159 communes, wards and towns affected by storms; 25 communes and wards of 5 coastal districts, towns and cities affected by rising sea levels; 119 communes, wards and towns affected by floods.

In particular, there are 15 areas at high risk of landslides. Of which, Hoai An district has 4 areas, An Lao district has 3 areas, Vinh Thanh district has 2 areas, Quy Nhon city has 2 areas and Phu Cat district has 4 areas.

Must evacuate before the storm hits

According to the leader of the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development of Binh Dinh, from lessons and experiences in flood and storm prevention in recent years, Binh Dinh will evacuate people with fragile houses and households in coastal areas to safe places, and at the same time prohibit people from going out when the storm makes landfall.

Along with the evacuation, the forces also deployed to reinforce houses, agencies, and offices according to the storm's wind level; provided enough food, clean water, and ensured hygiene and environment for evacuated people; called on all fishing boats in the storm area to find shelter and safe anchorage.

Regulate floods in large reservoirs with sluice gates according to approved operating procedures. Lower the water level of reservoirs to prepare for floods, and regulate appropriately to reduce flooding downstream. Assign forces to guard over culverts crossing roads and direct traffic.

For areas at high risk of landslides during heavy rains, a decision must be made to evacuate people. In the long term, projects should be developed to move people from landslide areas to safe places. At the same time, barriers and warning signs should be placed on traffic routes at high risk of landslides.

At a recent meeting on natural disaster prevention and control in Binh Dinh province (September 18), Mr. Pham Anh Tuan - Chairman of Binh Dinh Provincial People's Committee requested the heads of localities and units to learn from experience and not be subjective in implementing natural disaster prevention and control. Because if the government is subjective, the people will also be negligent.

"Localities should focus on disaster prevention and control in the current harsh weather conditions. Proactively evacuate and handle areas at risk of insecurity, carefully prepare disaster prevention and control plans for each locality, and not wait until the storm hits before passively evacuating...", Mr. Pham Anh Tuan directed.

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