Weather forecast for the next 24-48 hours, cold high pressure will strengthen to the South. Weak winds in the sea off the South. Above, the subtropical high pressure over the South Central region will encroach on the West again and lift its axis to the North, causing disturbances in the East wind zone to form weak activity.
Weather forecast for the next 3 days, the continental cold high pressure will continue to strengthen strongly to the South, after stable activity, around March 9 it will weaken and move to the East.
The Northeast wind is weak, and from the afternoon of March 7, it tends to become stronger. Above, the subtropical high pressure will encroach on the West and lift its axis through the Central Central region. High-altitude East wind disturbances remain stable.
Therefore, from March 7, the Southern region will have increased rain, with the possibility of moderate to heavy rain locally. Hot sunny days with the highest temperature reaching 34-35 degrees Celsius.
Heavy rain in the middle and last weeks of March with total rainfall about 10-30% higher than the average of many years. Thunderstorms, whirlwinds, lightning, hail, and gusts of wind can cause dangerous weather for people, damage property, and make daily life difficult.