Handing over more than 510 hectares of forest land to the community, creating livelihoods


Dak Nong - Dak Glong district has assigned 486.4 hectares of forest land to the community for management, contributing to creating livelihoods for people and increasing their income.

On September 20, the working delegation of the Nationalities Council of the 15th National Assembly, led by Vice Chairman Quang Van Huong, had a working session in Dak Glong district and conducted a field survey in Quang Son commune (Dak Glong district).

The working content of the Working Group is the implementation of policies and laws on land and forest allocation; forest protection and development associated with creating stable livelihoods, improving the lives of communities and households in ethnic minority and mountainous areas, period 2019 - 2023 in Dak Glong district.

Doan cong tac cua Hoi dong Dan toc, lam viec lien quan den cac chinh sach ve dat rung. Anh: Lai Tuyen
The working delegation of the Nationalities Council, working on policies related to forest land. Photo: Lai Tuyen

Dak Glong district has over 63,500 hectares of forest land, with a coverage rate of 43.92%. Currently, Dak Glong district has allocated over 510 hectares of forestry land to communities, households and individuals.

Of which, over 486 hectares of forest land were allocated to two residential communities in R'But and N'Doh hamlets; 24.28 hectares of forest land were allocated to four local ethnic minority households.

Doan cong tac cua Hoi dong Dan toc di thuc te de nam tinh hinh dat rung va cac chinh sach giao dat rung. Anh: Lai Tuyen
The working group of the Ethnic Council went to the field to grasp the situation of forest land allocation. Photo: Lai Tuyen

Thanks to support policies such as payment for forest environmental services and forest management and protection contracts, many local ethnic minority households have had additional income and significantly improved their living standards.

However, the work of land allocation, forest allocation, forest protection management in Dak Glong district also faces many difficulties such as encroachment of forestry land; lack of financial resources for forest development and some support policies are still not consistent.

In addition, communities and households that contract forests sometimes face difficulties in management due to small, fragmented areas and complex terrain conditions.

During the survey, members of the Working Group discussed and requested localities to clarify some issues regarding the results of land and forest allocation; the effectiveness of land and forest allocation to households; difficulties and obstacles in organizing forest protection; income of households participating in forest protection...

Dai dien Doan cong tac cua Hoi dong Dan toc tang qua cho luc luong quan ly, bao ve rung, dat rung. Anh: Lai Tuyen
Representatives of the Ethnic Council's working delegation presented gifts to the forces managing and protecting forests and forest land. Photo: Lai Tuyen

At the survey, Dak G'long District People's Committee recommended that the National Assembly, the Government and relevant ministries and branches review and adjust policies on land and forest allocation.

This aims to increase financial support and mechanisms for sustainable forest development, ensuring the livelihoods of local people.

The results of the survey on the implementation of policies and laws on land allocation, forest allocation, forest protection and management in the district are the basis for the Ethnic Council to advise the National Assembly to issue policies that are appropriate and close to local realities.

From there, create stable livelihoods, improve the lives of communities and households in ethnic minority and mountainous areas, period 2019 - 2023 in the coming time.


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