Hundreds of hectares of bananas in Hai Duong were damaged

Công Hòa |

Hai Duong - After storm No. 3, hundreds of hectares of Tet bananas of farmers in Kim Thanh district, Hai Duong were destroyed, causing the price of Tet bananas to possibly increase due to scarcity.

Cac vuon chuoi tren dia ban xa Tuan Viet, Kim Thanh, Hai Duong bi bao so 3 lam do, gay. Anh: Cong Hoa
Banana gardens in Tuan Viet commune, Kim Thanh, Hai Duong were knocked down and broken by storm No. 3. Photo: Cong Hoa

Three weeks after storm No. 3 made landfall, Mr. Nguyen Van Tuan (Tuan Viet commune, Kim Thanh district, Hai Duong province) still has not finished cleaning up nearly 2 hectares of banana garden destroyed by the storm.

Mr. Tuan said that more than 200 banana bunches worth over 100 million VND have now been completely lost. A large number of dead banana trees, trunks and roots were dug up and there was no place to destroy them, so they had to be chopped up, piled up, and used as fertilizer.

“The price of bananas this Tet will probably increase because the entire banana growing area in Kim Thanh district and other places has been severely damaged, causing banana shortages,” Mr. Tuan shared.

Toan bo dien tich trong chuoi tren dia ban xa Tuan Viet, Kim Thanh, Hai Duong bi pha huy sau bao so 3. Anh: Cong Hoa
Losing their entire banana growing area, many farmers suffered heavy losses. Photo: Cong Hoa
Cac cay chuoi bi chet khong co cho tieu huy duoc chat nho, danh dong, tan dung u lam phan bon. Anh: Cong Hoa
Dead banana trees with no place to be destroyed are chopped up, piled up, and composted as fertilizer. Photo: Cong Hoa

Ms. Nguyen Thi My (Tuan Viet commune, Kim Thanh district, Hai Duong province) confided that her main source of income for the Lunar New Year was a banana garden of more than 1 hectare that was broken and felled by the storm. She could not replant it in time, it would take at least 1 year for the banana garden to recover.

"Now the only way is to temporarily plant short-term crops like Malabar spinach (which only takes a month) to harvest to temporarily overcome the economy and prepare to restore the banana garden next year," Ms. My shared.

Ba Nguyen Thi My cai tao vuon trong chuoi bi thiet hai de chuyen sang trong rau ngot. Anh: Cong Hoa
Ms. Nguyen Thi My renovated her damaged banana garden to grow Malabar spinach to restore the economy. Photo: Cong Hoa

Mr. Ninh Van Khanh - Chairman of the People's Committee of Tuan Viet Commune, Kim Thanh District, Hai Duong said that banana is one of the two main agricultural products of the locality. The total banana growing area in the commune is nearly 50 hectares.

Damage caused by storm No. 3 to the commune’s agriculture was nearly 140 billion VND, of which banana trees suffered more than 22 billion VND. Many farmers lost everything after the storm and fell into debt.

Chuoi la mot trong hai san pham nong nghiep chu luc cua xa Tuan Viet, Kim Thanh, Hai Duong. Anh: Cong Hoa
Banana is one of the two main agricultural products of Tuan Viet commune, Kim Thanh, Hai Duong. Photo: Cong Hoa
Gan 50 ha vuon chuoi tai xa Tuan Viet, Kim Thanh, Hai Duong bi pha huy hoan toan. Anh: Cong Hoa
Nearly 50 hectares of banana gardens in Tuan Viet commune were completely destroyed. Photo: Cong Hoa
UBND xa Tuan Viet khuyen cao nguoi dan trong cac cay rau mau ngan ngay tren dien tich chuoi bi thiet hai de khac phuc kinh te. Anh: Cong Hoa
Tuan Viet Commune People's Committee recommends that people plant short-term vegetables on the damaged banana area to recover the economy. Photo: Cong Hoa

Currently, the Commune People's Committee is advising people to take advantage of the clear weather to clear up fallen crops, and plant short-term vegetables such as garlic, mustard greens, soybeans, and various vegetables... on the damaged banana area to temporarily restore the economy. At the same time, protect the seedlings that have been planted and replant them when the weather conditions are favorable.

According to information from the People's Committee of Kim Thanh district, more than 220 hectares of bananas were damaged in the district. Tuan Viet commune is the locality with the largest area of ​​damaged banana gardens in the district.

Công Hòa

Tai nạn giao thông ở Hải Dương tăng 291 vụ so với cùng kỳ

Hoàng Khôi |

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Nhiều băn khoăn với đề xuất đánh thuế bất động sản thứ 2


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Vì sao nguyên Chủ tịch và loạt cán bộ Quảng Xương bị bắt?

Xuân Hùng |

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Ô nhiễm tại làng tỉ phú ở Bắc Ninh chưa chuyển biến

Vân Trường |

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