On January 24, the People's Committee of Binh Dinh province announced that the province has issued a Directive on strengthening management, preventing encroachment and illegal construction, and ensuring flood escape corridors according to planning.
This move was made when many residential areas living along the dike are located in the river's flood escape corridor and within the flood escape axis; many infrastructure works on the river have inadequate flood escape apertures (bridges, dams on the river, saltwater prevention dams).
In addition, the management of flood escape corridors is not strict, there are still cases of households illegally building temporary houses and structures within the flood escape corridor; households in the flood escape corridor have not been relocated to safe places; construction of technical infrastructure works on rivers with insufficient flood drainage apertures, hindering flood drainage capacity, increasing the depth and duration of flooding.
To overcome the above shortcomings, Chairman of Binh Dinh Provincial People's Committee Pham Anh Tuan requested district-level Chairmen, heads of relevant departments and branches to strengthen management, direct functional departments, and commune-level People's Committees to inspect, prevent, and handle violations of illegal construction and dumping within flood escape corridors; and strictly handle violations.
Specifically count the number of residential buildings located in the flood escape corridor; organize relocation to ensure flood escape and safety for people. Organize strict management of dike and embankment works and the scope of the dike protection corridor.
Review and propose the construction of flood escape corridors for rivers and streams in the area (priority given to rivers and streams passing through residential areas) as a basis for management and violation prevention. Direct commune level to manage flood escape corridor markers that have been handed over.
The Chairman of the People's Committee of Binh Dinh province requested the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development to coordinate with localities to count the number of housing projects within the corridor and flood drainage axis. Propose natural disaster prevention projects for the period 2026-2030. Annually inspect compliance with flood drainage corridors, propose handling of violations...
"According to the assigned functions and tasks, departments, branches and sectors must pay close attention during the process of giving opinions, appraising and investing in construction of works that do not narrow or affect flood drainage. In case of violations, the heads of agencies, units and localities must be responsible before the Provincial Chairman and the law," Mr. Pham Anh Tuan directed.