Famous ornamental garden village in Thai Binh still flooded


Although the water has receded and the rain has stopped for the past few days, many villages in Bach Thuan garden village (Vu Thu district, Thai Binh province) are still flooded.

Garden village suffers in every way because of flooding

On September 16, in Bach Thuan commune (Vu Thu district, Thai Binh province), according to Lao Dong reporters, many areas in the commune are still partially flooded, in many places the water is still up to the waist of an adult.

Bach Thuan has long been known as the locality with the largest and most famous profession of growing ornamental plants, flowers, medicinal herbs, fruit trees... in Thai Binh.

Due to the impact of storm No. 3 Yagi and then the storm's circulation causing heavy rain in the northern provinces, for more than a week now, Bach Thuan garden village has been deeply flooded.

Tinh trang ngap lut, nuoc den co mui hoi, thoi o thon Binh Minh, xa Bach Thuan du mua da tanh, nuoc song da rut. Anh: Trung Du
Flooding and foul-smelling black water in Binh Minh village, Bach Thuan commune, even though the rain has stopped and the river water has receded. Photo: Trung Du

Up to now, although the rain has stopped, the sun has risen, and the water on the Red River flowing through Bach Thuan commune has receded a lot, villages such as Thuan Nghiep, Binh Minh and Tien Phong of Bach Thuan commune are still deeply submerged in water.

The flooding not only disrupted the lives of local people but also caused great damage, estimated at billions of dong for tree and flower growers in Bach Thuan.

Talking to Lao Dong reporter, Mr. Nguyen Van Oai (born in 1973, residing in Binh Minh village, Bach Thuan commune) - owner of Duc Oai garden house, Director of Bach Thuan Ornamental Plant Cooperative - said: "Currently, in the commune, there are hundreds of households living all year round by working with trees and flowers. In recent days, the water has been deep and slowly receding, and is still flooded, affecting most of the people's planting and tree care areas. The valuable ornamental plants that have been soaked in water for many days have had their value affected the most. It is estimated that the most damaged house lost 3-4 billion VND, and the least damaged house lost 200-300 million VND.

However, we are still lucky that the dike system in the commune is maintained. When the dike overflowed, our cooperative supported the commune and village with 1,000 cubic meters of sand to fill and build the dike to prevent overflow. Perhaps it has been decades since the flood was so terrible. Like my garden house, other houses were flooded, but my house was not flooded, but this time it was completely flooded."

Nha vuon Duc Oai cua gia dinh ong Nguyen Van Oai ngap sau trong bien nuoc. Anh: Trung Du
Duc Oai garden house of Mr. Nguyen Van Oai's family is submerged in water. Photo: Trung Du

Not only damaging trees and crops, flood water also makes the lives of people in Bach Thuan commune difficult and arduous in recent days.

Accordingly, from September 12 to the morning of September 16, the water pump of the clean water plant in the commune caught fire, resulting in the inability to produce and the loss of water supply to the people. After storm No. 3, many areas in Bach Thuan commune lost power until the afternoon of September 13 when it was finally repaired and basic power was restored.

Anh Tran Ngoc Son cung cac manh thuong quan mua nuoc uong dong chai ung ho, phan phat cho ba con vung ngap sau, thieu nuoc uong. Anh: Nam Hong
Mr. Tran Ngoc Son and other benefactors bought bottled drinking water to support and distribute to people in deeply flooded areas lacking drinking water. Photo: Nam Hong

I hope the water recedes quickly.

"In the past few days, I and many people in the commune have actively bought bottled water to support and distribute to people lacking drinking water.

The commune also used tankers to pump the remaining water inside the clean water plant to supply the deeply flooded area.

Regarding the damage, my family lost about a few dozen bonsai trees, estimated to have lost about 200 - 300 million VND. Now the biggest wish of the people is for the water to recede as quickly as possible so that people can recover, clean up their gardens, restore planting, take care of living trees, and stabilize their lives," said Mr. Tran Ngoc Son (born in 1993, residing in Tien Phong village, Bach Thuan commune).

Nhieu gia dinh o thon Thuan Nghiep, xa Bach Thuan van ngap sau trong nuoc. Anh: Trung Du
Many families in Thuan Nghiep village, Bach Thuan commune are still deeply submerged in water. Photo: Trung Du

Talking to Lao Dong reporter, Mr. Nguyen Kim Sau - Chairman of Bach Thuan Commune People's Committee - shared: "Right from the first warning order on the Red River, we deployed "4 on-site", mobilizing human resources, the entire political system and all classes of people to fiercely protect the 7.5km dike bordering the Red River.

There was a time when 3km/7.5km of the dike was overflowing, everyone worked together to build a dam to prevent the overflow, thus successfully protecting the dike, limiting the Red River from overflowing inside. The People's Committee of the commune and mass organizations, with the support of the district, made every effort to minimize the damage caused by storms and floods.

Currently, we are directing the opening of all sluices across the dike to drain the water. Hopefully, in a few days, when the water outside the river recedes to Bach Thuan, all the water will be drained and there will be no more flooding anywhere."

According to Mr. Sau, at present, the locality cannot specifically and accurately assess the damage to trees and gardens and must wait to see how many dead trees and flowers are left after the water recedes before statistics can be made.

Below are the images that Lao Dong reporters recorded at Bach Thuan garden village on September 16:

Binh Minh village is one of the most flooded villages, the water mixed with rotten leaves is black, dirty and has a foul smell. Photo: Trung Du
Ornamental plants and flowers in Bach Thuan garden village are submerged in water. Photo: Trung Du
It is almost impossible to distinguish between the pond and the garden when the rain has stopped and the water has receded for several days. Photo: Trung Du

Doanh nghiệp Thái Bình khẩn trương khắc phục hậu quả bão lũ


Sau bão số 3 Yagi rồi mưa lũ, các doanh nghiệp, nhà máy trên địa bàn tỉnh Thái Bình đã, đang nhanh chóng khắc phục hậu quả để ổn định sản xuất.

Công an giúp dân dọn hàng trăm ha chuối ở Thái Bình bị đổ


Công an huyện Hưng Hà (tỉnh Thái Bình) hỗ trợ người dân xã Hồng An thu dọn, xử lý hàng trăm ha chuối bị gãy, đổ do ảnh hưởng của bão số 3 Yagi.

Ô nhiễm bủa vây làng nghề cây cảnh nổi tiếng ở Thái Bình


Tình trạng ô nhiễm môi trường nghiêm trọng từ hoạt động chăn nuôi lợn ở xã Bách Thuận (huyện Vũ Thư, tỉnh Thái Bình) ngày càng trở nên nhức nhối.

Vinafco lãi 2,8 tỉ, chưa bồi thường vụ rơi pin xuống biển

Lục Giang |

Vinafco đang phối hợp cùng các chủ hàng, công ty bảo hiểm và các cơ quan chức năng giải quyết sự cố vụ 37 container rơi xuống biển, trong đó có hơn 10 tấn pin.

Giới đầu cơ có thể đứng sau loạt lô đất đấu giá bỏ cọc


Giới chuyên gia cho rằng, người tham gia đấu giá đất chủ yếu là nhóm nhà đầu tư chuyên nghiệp, rất ít người địa phương tham gia.

Bắt 2 đối tượng mua bán trái phép hơn 2,5 tấn xyanua ở TPHCM

Minh Tâm |

TPHCM - Ngày 18.9, Công an quận Bình Thạnh đã bắt giữ 2 đối tượng mua bán trái phép chất độc xyanua với khối lượng lớn ra thị trường.

Đường đi của áp thấp nhiệt đới sắp mạnh lên thành bão số 4


Chiều nay 18.9, cơ quan khí tượng của Việt Nam cho biết áp thấp nhiệt đới đang ở trên khu vực quần đảo Hoàng Sa; sắp mạnh lên thành bão.

Người dân Huế di chuyển ôtô lên chỗ cao đề phòng ngập do mưa to


HUẾ - Trong trưa và chiều 18.9, mưa to đã khiến một số đoạn đường tại TP Huế bị ngập, nhiều người dân di chuyển ôtô lên chỗ cao đề phòng thiệt hại.

Thai Binh businesses urgently overcome storm and flood consequences


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Police help people clear hundreds of hectares of fallen banana trees in Thai Binh


Hung Ha District Police ( Thai Binh Province ) supported people in Hong An Commune to clean up and handle hundreds of hectares of broken and fallen banana trees due to the impact of storm No. 3 Yagi .