Old farmer over 60 years old, good at economics, good at maneuvering


Kien Giang - Not only did the 61-year-old farmer rise to become rich, he also encouraged Khmer people to actively change their production thinking to escape poverty.

Old age still enthusiastic about working

Visiting Mr. Danh Hui's family in Song Chinh hamlet, Binh Tri commune, Kien Luong district (Kien Giang province), everyone is delighted by the fruit-laden orchard and especially his story of getting rich from hardship.

When mentioning Mr. Hui, everyone in the neighborhood knows and loves him not only because of his diligence and hard work in production but also because he is friendly and close to his neighbors, helping them in difficult times. Therefore, he has been trusted and chosen by the people as a prestigious person among the Khmer people for many years.

Mr. Hui was born and raised in Thoi Quan commune, Go Quao district. In 1997, he and his wife decided to move to Binh Tri commune, Kien Luong district to start a business. His family bought 2 hectares of rice land but encountered many difficulties at first. He tried his best to do it and also did small business, raised cows and pigs.

“When I first came here, there was no water to use, no roads, the mud was very bad, I could only go by boat. To buy things, I had to walk very far to get to the market. I didn’t have any relatives so I had to overcome the difficulties on my own,” Mr. Hui said.

After many difficulties, Mr. Hui also received sweet fruits. Currently, he has divided a part of his land for his children to cultivate, and the remaining 5 hectares of garden land behind Mr. Hui's house is used to raise pigs for breeding, grow guava and Thai star fruit. After deducting expenses, he and his wife earn over 300 million VND/year.

Vo ong Danh Hui cham soc dan heo. Anh: Xuan Nhi
Mr. Danh Hui's wife takes care of the pigs. Photo: Xuan Nhi

Up to now, although he is over 60 years old, he is still enthusiastic about working and producing. Not only that, he also actively propagates to the local Khmer people to change their thinking in working, producing, developing the family economy, and escaping poverty sustainably.

Promote the effectiveness of prestigious people

Having worked for many years in the locality as Deputy Head of Song Chinh Hamlet and working on the Front, Mr. Hui understands the customs and is close to the people, so he actively mobilizes people to contribute money, labor, and land to build public works. Many bridges and roads have been built and put into effective use. He mobilizes the establishment of pumping stations, agricultural cooperatives, and mobilizes donors to build houses for poor households, and helps poor students overcome difficulties and study well.

Along with mobilizing Khmer people to implement the policies of the Party and the State, actively participating in production and labor to build public works, Mr. Danh Hui also effectively contributed to the reconciliation work in the locality. People gradually raised their awareness of practicing a civilized lifestyle, strengthening the village relationship, and actively participating in preventing social evils.

Mr. Danh Ut, a resident of Song Chinh hamlet, shared: “Mr. Hui does many useful things for the local people, so everyone loves and respects him. Whatever Mr. Hui calls for, the locals always support him.”

Ong Hui cham soc hang rao cay xanh cua gia dinh, gop phan tao ve my quan xom ap. Anh: Xuan Nhi
Mr. Hui takes care of his family's green hedge, contributing to the beauty of the neighborhood. Photo: Xuan Nhi

Mr. Pham Duc Tai - Chairman of Binh Tri Commune People's Committee - said: "Mr. Hui is the Head of the Hamlet Front Committee, organizing mediation work very well, 80% or more of cases are successful, no pending applications. He also mobilized health insurance for poor and near-poor households, helping many Khmer households escape poverty. When people were not yet aware of the connection in business, he mobilized them to join cooperatives to develop the economy. Last year, Mr. Hui was also praised by the Provincial People's Committee as a prestigious person among ethnic minorities."

Mr. Tai added that in nearly 20 years of working, Mr. Danh Hui has made significant contributions to the locality in many areas. Mr. Danh Hui's contributions have contributed to poverty reduction, joining hands in building new rural areas towards building advanced new rural areas.


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