Police forces strive to overcome floods to help people after storm number 3

Bảo Nguyên |

Police forces are working with authorities to rescue people affected by floods after storm No. 3.

Regardless of sacrifice, protect people's lives and property

To respond to and overcome the consequences of floods, landslides, flash floods, and landslides, help people quickly stabilize production and life, prevent people from going hungry, cold, or homeless, ensure security and order, and effectively carry out search and rescue work, the police force has urgently mobilized maximum forces and means in many units and localities.

Luc luong Cong an giup dan khac phuc hau qua sau bao so 3. Anh: Bo Cong an
Police forces help people overcome the consequences of storm No. 3. Photo: Ministry of Public Security

Police units and localities directly affected by floods and landslides have deployed 100% of their forces to be ready to respond to any situations that may arise.

Tens of thousands of officers and thousands of vehicles were mobilized to directly ensure security and order at the grassroots level, ensure traffic safety, evacuate, relocate, search and rescue people, vehicles and property at flood, flash flood and landslide sites to safe places and support people to overcome the consequences of floods and landslides.

Cac chien si Cong an khong quan gian kho, giup dan. Anh: Bo Cong an
Police officers do not mind hardships to help people. Photo: Ministry of Public Security

During the performance of their duties, the officers and soldiers of the People's Public Security did not hesitate to face difficulties and sacrifices, directly approaching key areas where people were isolated and needed help.

Many officers and soldiers stayed up all night to brave storms, cross forests and wade through streams, and were present at the most severely flooded areas to support people.

There have been many heroic examples in the performance of duties, including officers who sacrificed their lives to protect the lives and property of the people, typically Lieutenant colonel Tran Quoc Hoang - Officer of Quang Ninh Detention Camp, Department of Police for Management of Detention Camps, Compulsory Education Facilities, Reformatory Schools, Ministry of Public Security, who sacrificed his life while on duty.

Focus on overcoming the consequences of storm No. 3

According to the Ministry of Public Security, after storm No. 3, extremely complex weather conditions caused flooding in many localities, flash floods could occur at any time, more than ever, the Ministry of Public Security has directed professional units under the Ministry and the Public Security of units and localities to focus on coordinating with functional forces to overcome the consequences, search and rescue, and support the people.

Luc luong Cong an di chuyen nguoi dan den noi an toan. Anh: Bo Cong an
Police forces move people to safety. Photo: Ministry of Public Security

At hot spots such as the collapse of Phong Chau bridge (Phu Tho); flash floods in Nu village, Phuc Khanh commune, Bao Yen district, Lao Cai... the police force actively coordinated to search for victims' bodies and overcome the consequences of the incident.

In other flooded areas, police forces worked all night, in the rain, in chest-deep water to move belongings and help people get to safety.

Also according to the Ministry of Public Security, despite facing many difficulties in the rescue process, with high determination, officers and soldiers carried out their tasks regardless of difficulties, mobilizing maximum forces and means to respond and overcome the consequences caused by storm No. 3 and floods.

Bảo Nguyên

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