Quang Ninh livestock farmers rush to restore herds to serve Tet

Đoàn Hưng |

Quang Ninh - Typhoon Yagi has caused heavy damage to the livestock industry in Quang Ninh. However, many livestock farmers have rushed to restore their herds in time for Tet.

In Binh Luc Thuong Area, Hong Phong Ward, Dong Trieu Town, Mr. Tran Van Toan's family was one of the households that suffered heavy losses in the area. The storm killed more than 2,500 chickens and blew off the roof of a 700m2 chicken farm.

"After the storm, the Kinh Thay River rose, my family's farm was flooded, but with timely support from the people and the government, the chickens were not damaged. Luckily, my family still had more than 2,000 chickens left. As soon as the water receded, the whole family focused on cleaning, disinfecting the barn and re-roofing it. On September 28, my family imported 3,000 chickens to restock in time for Tet," Mr. Toan shared.

Thiet hai sau bao tai mot trang trai o phuong Hong Phong, TX Dong Trieu, tinh Quang Ninh. Anh: Dieu Hoang
Storm damage at a farm in Hong Phong ward, Dong Trieu town, Quang Ninh province. Photo: Dieu Hoang

Dong Trieu is one of the most severely damaged localities in Quang Ninh province, with more than 239,000 livestock and poultry dead, accounting for nearly 60% of the total livestock damage in the province. Meanwhile, the total agricultural damage in the town amounted to VND1,700 billion.

Not only Dong Trieu town, Tien Yen district was also seriously affected, with more than 37,000 chickens dead out of a total flock of 650,000 poultry.

Mr. Tran Dang Hanh, Director of Tien Yen Chicken Cooperative, Phong Du Commune said: "As soon as the storm passed, the Cooperative checked the damage from 45 member households, more than 10,000 chickens died, the remaining number of chickens was about 80,000, basically enough to supply the Lunar New Year market. Along with that, we supported member households to clean the barns, sprinkle lime, disinfect to ensure farming conditions."

Ms. Chu Thi Thu Thuy, Manager of the Livestock and Veterinary Branch of Quang Ninh province, said: "After storm Yagi, Quang Ninh province had more than 400,000 livestock and poultry die. The unit assigned staff to the damaged areas, coordinated with the local veterinary force to support people in repairing barns, providing instructions on sanitation, disinfection, counting damage and vaccinating the remaining livestock and poultry. At the same time, coordinate with localities to quickly complete the damage support dossier, helping people have conditions to restore their herds in time."

Theo mot so ho chan nuoi, thiet hai sau bao Yagi doi voi dan Tien Yen khong anh huong den viec cung cap cho thi truong dip Tet Nguyen Dan, boi so luong ga thiet hai tren tong so dan ga cua huyen la rat nho. Anh: Dieu Hoang
According to some farmers, the damage caused by Typhoon Yagi to the Tien Yen chicken flock did not affect the supply to the market during the Lunar New Year, because the number of damaged chickens out of the total chicken flock in the district was very small. Photo: Dieu Hoang

"There are about four months left until Tet, enough for a short-term breeding cycle for poultry and pigs. The provincial Department of Agriculture is making efforts to encourage and support people to restock, with strict compliance with biosecurity measures," said Ms. Thuy.

In the context of mounting difficulties after the storm, the consensus and efforts of farmers, along with active support from local authorities, are key factors helping the livestock industry in Quang Ninh province to soon stabilize and continue to develop.

Đoàn Hưng

Công nhân gặp khó khăn sau bão ở Quảng Ninh cần sự tiếp sức

Đoàn Hưng |

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Người dân Quảng Ninh tất bật tận thu gỗ rừng sau bão

Đoàn Hưng |

Quảng Ninh - Bão Yagi gây thiệt hại trên 117.600 ha rừng, trong đó diện tích rừng từ 5 năm tuổi trở lên, có thể tận thu khoảng 30-40% giá trị đầu tư.

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Workers in difficulty after storm in Quang Ninh need support

Đoàn Hưng |

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Quang Ninh people are busy collecting forest wood after the storm

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Quang Ninh temporarily provides 180 billion VND to support overcoming the consequences of storm No. 3

Nguyễn Hùng |

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