Tears of happiness in the flood-prone area of ​​Muong Pon


After losing their homes due to flash floods, this morning (October 14), many families in Muong Pon (Dien Bien) received new houses.

After nearly 1 month of urgent construction, 10 spacious and solid houses have been completed by Dien Bien Provincial Police, bringing joy to the people of Linh village, Muong Pon commune, Dien Bien district.

Colonel Lu Minh Phuong - Deputy Director of Dien Bien Provincial Police - said that with the attention and direction of the Central Public Security Party Committee, the Ministry of Public Security has supported 1 billion VND to build a total of 20 houses for 20 households in Muong Pon commune (50 million VND/house). Along with that, Dien Bien district has also supported 400 million VND (20 million VND/house).

Ban giao chia khoa cho 10 ho gia dinh duoc ho tro lam nha. Anh: Quang Dat
Dien Bien Provincial Police and authorities hand over keys to 10 households receiving support to build houses in the first phase. Photo: Quang Dat

According to the Deputy Director of Dien Bien Provincial Police, house construction also encountered many difficulties, such as: unconcentrated housing site location, extreme rainy and sunny weather, inconvenient traffic, scarce water source...

"In particular, this is an area without electricity, so all welding, cutting of corrugated iron, iron and mixing of concrete... must use generators. However, with a spirit of solidarity and high determination, officers and soldiers of Dien Bien Provincial Police have overcome all difficulties to complete the project on schedule" - Mr. Phuong emphasized.

Giot nuoc mat hanh phuc cua ba Luong Thi Hieng khi nhan ngoi nha moi. Anh: Quang Dat
Mrs. Luong Thi Hieng's tears of happiness when receiving her new house. Photo: Quang Dat

On the occasion of the handover of 10 new houses, the Ministry of Public Security presented 10 gifts of household items; the Provincial Police Youth Union also presented 1,000 chickens and animal feed worth 30 million VND. The Provincial Police Women's Union presented 10 lawn mowers to support the initial livelihood of the households.

After completing the first 10 houses, Dien Bien Provincial Police committed to continue to accompany to build the remaining 10 houses for households in Muong Pon commune, ensuring that all affected households have new stable housing in 2024, in accordance with the direction of the Prime Minister.

As one of the households receiving a new house on the morning of October 14, Ms. Luong Thi Hieng could not hide her tears of happiness: “After the historic flood, my family’s 4-room stilt house was completely swept away. Now, we have a new, spacious and sturdy house.”

Cung voi viec ban giao nha, cac gia dinh bi thiet hai con duoc ho tro sinh ke de som on dinh cuoc song. Anh: Thanh Binh
Along with handing over the houses, the affected families are also provided with livelihood support to soon stabilize their lives. Photo: Thanh Binh

Mrs. Hieng’s new house has an area of ​​45m2, is modernly designed, and meets all standard conditions. The total cost of building the house is 130 million VND, of which 60 million VND is the family’s counterpart capital.

Mr. Lu Van Yeu’s family - one of the most severely damaged households - is also gradually reorganizing their lives. His family’s 5-room stilt house was completely swept away, leaving behind irreparable losses.

Now, his family has a level 4 house with an area of ​​nearly 35 square meters on the family's land, about 500 meters from the old house. "This is a huge gift for our people. From now on, my family will not have to stay temporarily or temporarily anymore" - Mr. Yeu said emotionally.

Ben trong ngoi nha moi cua gia dinh ba Luong Thi Hieng. Anh: Quang Dat
Inside the new house of Mrs. Luong Thi Hieng's family. Photo: Quang Dat

It is known that after the terrible flash flood that occurred at the end of July, Dien Bien district proposed a plan to arrange and stabilize the residents in the disaster area in Muong Pon commune, including 4 locations for 102 households. Of which, 36 households were stabilized on site and 66 households were moved to new places, with a total cost of more than 106 billion VND.

Previously, as reported by Lao Dong Newspaper, the heavy rain and flash flood occurred on the night of July 24 and early morning of July 25 in Muong Pon Commune (Dien Bien District, Dien Bien Province) causing 7 deaths and missing people. The flash flood also swept away dozens of houses, many collapsed and about 100 others were damaged.


Bên trong những ngôi nhà tạm vùng rốn lũ Mường Pồn


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