New vitality in the resettlement area of ​​North-South Expressway


In Quang Binh, 26 resettlement areas under the North-South Expressway Project have been completed, and households have also relocated there.

Agree with the policy

In the spacious house he just moved to in the resettlement area, Mr. Nguyen Van Hung (born in 1957, in Ang Son village, Van Ninh commune, Quang Ninh district, Quang Binh province) boasted that the air here is fresh and there is less dust and smoke than in the old place.

With the location of his house with an area of ​​400m2, along with the compensation of 1.8 billion VND, Mr. Hung built a new, spacious house with a budget of 1.6 billion VND. Up to now, the couple has lived in the new house for more than a year. Mr. Hung's daughter started her own family nearby, also agreed and quickly built a new house to move to the resettlement area. This is one of the households that quickly agreed and moved early to hand over the site for the construction project.

Mr. Hung shared: “Our old house was built many years ago, so when we moved here we found it much better, the environment was fresher, less dusty, and the neighbors were familiar.”

The resettlement area in Ang Son village is located on a spacious, square plot of land, only about 500m from the project. Many families have moved here, the access road has been concreted cleanly, and electricity and water are guaranteed.

Also located in the project area, the resettlement area of ​​Phu Hoa village (Phu Thuy commune, Le Thuy district), new houses have also begun to take shape. This is one of three resettlement areas being implemented in Le Thuy district.

After accepting the compensation plan, Mr. Nguyen Ky Hung immediately started building a new house worth nearly 600 million VND on the resettlement area. Along with Mr. Hung's family, more than 10 other houses here have been rushing every day to quickly complete and move in. "The new location is beautiful, the plots of land are arranged in blocks so the resettlement area looks very uniform, my wife and I can enjoy our old age in the new place with our relatives" - Mr. Nguyen Ky Hung shared.

Ong Nguyen Van Hung hai long voi noi o moi. Anh: Cong Sang
Mr. Nguyen Van Hung is satisfied with his new residence. Photo: Cong Sang

Ensuring a better new life for the people

According to Mr. Nguyen Xuan Tuong - Vice Chairman of the Le Thuy District Expressway Clearance Council, to implement the North-South Expressway Project, the most important key is still the resettlement areas, because the number of relocated houses in the district is basically large. In that spirit, the District People's Committee and the District Liberation Council have completed three resettlement areas, and at the same time surveyed one or two more small areas in case more allocation is needed.

Three resettlement areas were built in two communes, Truong Thuy, Phu Thuy and Le Ninh Farm town with a total investment of 58 billion VND, serving nearly 100 resettled households and land compensation. Each resettlement area was invested in building technical infrastructure including items: Leveling, traffic system, water supply, drainage, electricity supply, lighting, and marking plots.

Up to now, basically more than 90% of households have received resettlement areas and are building houses. At the same time, the unit has also fully implemented the regime with households according to policies such as: support for stabilizing life, support for installing electricity, water, electricity for daily life, telephone, internet, support for renting houses for 6-12 months...

Mr. Nguyen Xuan Tuong said: “I also represent the people, so when we collect opinions and get high consensus from the people, the locality also has more suitable and reasonable policies for the people's lives. Therefore, implementing the province-wide policy is to improve the quality of resettlement areas, so we also ensure that it is both in accordance with regulations and has enough benefits for the people."

Along with Le Thuy, Quang Ninh district is one of the localities that has completed resettlement for households.

The North-South Expressway project passes through 6 districts, towns, cities and 35 communes and wards in Quang Binh province. The whole province has about 3,772 affected households, of which 551 households are subject to resettlement.


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