Worrying about resettlement after landslides

Khánh Linh |

Hundreds of houses were buried or damaged after the floods, thousands of people were urgently evacuated, but the problem of resettlement after the floods in many localities has not yet found a solution.

More than 2 months have passed since the flood swept away all the houses and belongings in Nhung Duoi village, Chieng Noi commune, Mai Son district, Son La province. The family of Ms. Da Thi Ly (29 years old) is still worried about food and shelter.

The house, the property they had saved for a long time, was swept away by the flood, and the couple and their daughter had to carry each other to live at their paternal grandparents' house. Ms. Ly shared: "The house was swept away, everything was lost! Now we don't even have money to buy new school bags for the two children, luckily an acquaintance bought them two new sets of clothes for school. We have to live at our paternal grandparents' house, it's very difficult."

'Floods and landslides have leveled the center of Chieng Noi commune, swept away 3 suspension bridges, and killed 6 people. People here are still concerned about settling down and making a living.

"I have lost my house. Now I just hope to be resettled so that I can have a stable life and work hard to raise my children," Ly said sadly.

However, the problem of arranging resettlement areas has not yet been solved when almost the entire Chieng Noi commune is mountainous and at risk of landslides. Finding a flat, safe area for people to build houses is extremely difficult.

Speaking to reporters, Mr. Cam Van Truc - Chairman of the People's Committee of Chieng Noi commune - said: "Currently, in the commune, there are about more than 100 households affected by landslides, most severely in Pa Hoc, Hua Pu villages and the commune center. Of which, more than half of them had to urgently evacuate, staying at the cultural house or relatives' houses". However, up to now, the commune has not found a suitable area to resettle the people.

Not only in Chieng Noi, many areas in Son La province also suffered from landslides. Many people still had to stay with relatives, set up temporary shelters in the fields or stay at cultural houses. Every night, they still had trouble sleeping because of the constant worry of settling down and finding a job.

According to statistics, the province needs at least 8 land areas for concentrated resettlement and relocation of households in dangerous areas.

Mr. Nguyen Thanh Cong - Vice Chairman of Son La Provincial People's Committee - said: "Son La province has a large slope, the risk of landslides is very high, which makes it difficult to arrange resettlement for people. Not only the land but also investment resources are extremely difficult."

For the people here, settling down means having a stable house to protect the whole family from the sun and rain, but still ensuring the customs and traditions of the people. Recently, the leaders of the provincial People's Committee reported the damage and made recommendations and proposals to the Central Government to support resources to overcome the consequences of natural disasters.

The immediate goal is to provide resources for 10 projects to relocate people in risk areas, who have all been relocated to temporary shelters, cultural houses, and relatives' homes. Support investment in 2 flood tunnel projects in Thuan Chau district and Son La city; and build 4 bridges that were swept away by floods in Ngoc Chien commune, Muong La district.

Khánh Linh

Giá đất tái định cư "trên trời", Bộ TNMT lên tiếng

Tạ Quang |

Bộ TNMT đề nghị UBND TP Cần Thơ chỉ đạo các cơ quan, đơn vị có liên quan kiểm tra, rà soát công tác bồi thường, hỗ trợ về giá đất tái định cư ở Cần Thơ.

Một hộ dân làm nghẽn dự án tái định cư 4 năm là quá vô lý

Tường Minh |

Việc 1 hộ dân làm nghẽn cả một dự án tái định cư hơn 4 năm ở Bình Định là quá vô lý và khó chấp nhận.

Người dân vùng sạt lở mòn mỏi đợi tái định cư

Đinh Đại |

Lào Cai - Nhiều năm qua, người dân thôn Suối Chải, xã Phìn Ngan, huyện Bát Xát luôn phải sống trong nguy cơ sạt lở vì chưa có tái định cư.

Xây nhà ở khu tái định cư 300 tỉ đồng sát Quốc lộ 51


Đồng Nai - Các hộ dân di dời để xây dựng đường cao tốc Biên Hòa - Vũng Tàu đã bắt đầu xây dựng nhà cửa tại khu tái định cư Long Đức ở huyện Long Thành.

Trẻ tăng độ cận chóng mặt, bác sĩ chỉ rõ nhiều nguyên nhân

Nhóm PV |

Cận thị ở trẻ nhỏ phát triển rất nhanh, gây ảnh hưởng tới học tập và sinh hoạt hàng ngày. Vì vậy, bác sĩ cảnh báo nguyên nhân thường gặp khiến trẻ dễ bị cận.

Tân Giám đốc Công an tham gia BCH, BTV Tỉnh ủy Quảng Ninh

Nguyễn Hùng |

Quảng Ninh - Tân Giám đốc Công an tỉnh Quảng Ninh được Ban Bí thư chỉ định tham gia BCH Đảng bộ tỉnh, Ban Thường vụ Tỉnh ủy Quảng Ninh nhiệm kỳ 2020-2025.

Khi khán giả không còn “dễ dàng” với nghệ sĩ thiếu chuẩn mực


Làn sóng tẩy chay ngày càng lan rộng là minh chứng cho thấy khán giả đang dần khắt khe và có yêu cầu cao hơn với nghệ sĩ và những người nổi tiếng.

IPA liên tục mua lại, vay mới hàng nghìn tỉ đồng trái phiếu

Lục Giang |

Cùng với việc mua lại trái phiếu, trước áp lực trả nợ trái phiếu đến hạn, IPA đã phải phát hành mới hàng nghìn tỉ trái phiếu để “đảo nợ”.

Resettlement land prices cost a fortune, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment speaks out

Tạ Quang |

The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment requested the People's Committee of Can Tho City to direct relevant agencies and units to inspect and review compensation and support work on resettlement land prices in Can Tho.

One household blocking the resettlement project for 4 years is too unreasonable

Tường Minh |

The fact that one household has blocked a resettlement project for more than 4 years in Binh Dinh is unreasonable and unacceptable.

People in landslide areas wait wearily for resettlement

Đinh Đại |

Lao Cai - For many years, people in Suoi Chai village, Phin Ngan commune, Bat Xat district have always had to live in the risk of landslides because there has been no resettlement.