On January 25, the Investigation Police Department of My Tho City Police (Tien Giang Province) is investigating a traffic accident that killed one person on Rach Mieu Bridge.
Accordingly, on the same morning, a passenger car bearing the words Kim Hoang with license plate 84B-005.xx, was traveling through Rach Mieu Bridge in the direction from Ben Tre Province to My Tho City (Tien Giang Province). While going down the slope of Rach Mieu Bridge (in My Tho City, Tien Giang Province), it collided with a motorbike driven by a woman. After the collision, the woman driving the motorbike died on the spot.
At this time, the Traffic Police force of the Traffic Police Department of Tien Giang Provincial Police is regulating traffic. At the same time, the scene is handed over to the Investigation Police Department of My Tho City Police to investigate the cause of the above traffic accident for handling according to the law.