Drivers excited to travel through the 830 billion VND underpass in the South of Ho Chi Minh City

Tâm Tú |

HCMC - After 2 days of opening the HC2 Nguyen Van Linh tunnel branch (District 7), drivers are excited because traffic is more convenient and traffic congestion is reduced as before.

Before the opening of traffic, the Nguyen Van Linh - Nguyen Huu Tho intersection area continuously experienced traffic congestion and jams during rush hour.

Currently, the HC2 underpass branch (part of the Nguyen Van Linh underpass project) has officially opened to traffic, helping to greatly relieve traffic pressure in the area.

Canh thong thoang tai ham chui Nguyen Van Linh (Quan 7) sau 2 ngay thong xe. Anh: Anh Tu
Clear view at Nguyen Van Linh underpass (District 7) after 2 days of opening to traffic. Photo: Anh Tu

According to Lao Dong's records on October 6, at the beginning of the Nguyen Van Linh - Nguyen Huu Tho underpass, after 2 days of opening, cars, trucks, and containers from Tan Thuan to National Highway 1 can move smoothly.

Mr. Nguyen Van Tai (30 years old, living in Nha Be) said that in recent days, traveling through the underpass has been much more convenient. “I hope the remaining tunnel branch will be put into operation soon. Drivers like me are very excited to drive on a clear road. In the past two days, traffic through here has been much less congested,” Mr. Tai said.

Cac tai xe xe lon phan khoi khi luu thong thuan tien tren ham HC2 Nguyen Van Linh (Quan 7). Anh: Anh Tu
Large truck drivers are excited to travel conveniently through the HC2 Nguyen Van Linh tunnel (District 7). Photo: Anh Tu

Ms. Nhat Lai, who lives nearby, said that before, during rush hour or at noon, this area was always congested with traffic. “Now, large vehicles move down to the basement, so the motorbike lane is less dangerous and traffic is much smoother,” Ms. Lai said.

According to the traffic diversion plan proposed by the HCM City Traffic Construction Investment Project Management Board (the investor), when the tunnel branch is put into operation, only cars will be allowed to pass through, motorbikes and pedestrians will be prohibited. Vehicles on Nguyen Huu Tho Street will not be allowed to cross the intersection and some U-turn locations will be adjusted to ensure safety and avoid congestion.

Hinh anh cac phuong tien noi dai khi di chuyen qua Nguyen Van Linh truoc khi nhanh ham HC2 di vao hoat dong. Anh: Anh Tu
Image of extended vehicles moving through Nguyen Van Linh before the HC2 tunnel branch comes into operation. Photo: Anh Tu
Nhanh ham dua vao khai thac chi cho oto chay qua, cam xe may va nguoi di bo. Anh: Anh Tu
The tunnel branch put into operation only allows cars to pass through, motorbikes and pedestrians are prohibited. Photo: Anh Tu

Mr. Nguyen Thanh Tuan - Head of Roads, under the Management Board of Investment and Construction of Traffic Works of Ho Chi Minh City (Traffic Board) said that the opening of the HC2 underpass branch from Tan Thuan to National Highway 1 is very important, because this is the area connecting the traffic flow of the southern gateway of Ho Chi Minh City to other regions and inter-provinces.

Since its construction in 2020, the Nguyen Van Linh - Nguyen Huu Tho underpass project has been delayed at times due to the COVID-19 pandemic and difficulties caused by the relocation of technical infrastructure.

Thanks to the attention and direction of the Ho Chi Minh City government and the support of relevant units, this underpass branch has officially opened to one-way traffic with 3 lanes, helping to reduce traffic congestion in the area.

Hien nhanh ham con lai HC1 da duoc thi cong khoang 70% khoi luong, rao chan van con dung de thuc hien cong trinh. Anh: Anh Tu
Currently, the remaining tunnel branch HC1 has been constructed about 70% of the volume, the barrier is still erected to carry out the project. Photo: Anh Tu

From now until the end of 2024, the Traffic Department will urge construction units to focus on completing and opening the HC1 underpass in the opposite direction. From there, phase 1 of the Nguyen Van Linh - Nguyen Huu Tho intersection will be completed, creating momentum for the next phase of building an overpass, helping to fundamentally resolve the traffic congestion that has been occurring for many years.

Cac cong nhan van dang tich cuc thi cong de du an som hoan thanh vao cuoi nam nay. Anh: Anh Tu
Workers are still working hard to complete the project by the end of this year. Photo: Anh Tu

The Nguyen Van Linh - Nguyen Huu Tho underpass project has a total investment of 830 billion VND, starting in April 2020. Currently, the remaining tunnel branch HC1 has completed about 70% of the volume and is expected to complete the entire project and remove the barriers by the end of 2024.

Tâm Tú

TPHCM xây cầu đi bộ gần 1.000 tỉ đồng nối Quận 1 - Thủ Thiêm


UBND TPHCM vừa chấp thuận chủ trương đầu tư dự án cầu đi bộ qua sông Sài Gòn, nối Quận 1 - Thủ Thiêm với tổng vốn đầu tư gần 1.000 tỉ đồng.

TPHCM thông xe hầm chui quan trọng ở Quận 7, cấm xe máy


TPHCM - Sáng 4.10, nhánh hầm chui Nguyễn Văn Linh - Nguyễn Hữu Thọ (hướng Quận 7 đi Bình Chánh) đã thông xe, chỉ cho ôtô lưu thông, cấm xe máy và người đi bộ.

Thi công hầm chui 830 tỉ đồng ở khu Nam TPHCM gây hư hỏng mặt đường


TPHCM – Thi công dự án hầm chui Nguyễn Văn Linh - Nguyễn Hữu Thọ (Quận 7) gây hư hỏng mặt đường, Sở Giao thông Vận tải (GTVT) TPHCM yêu cầu chủ đầu tư, nhà thầu khẩn trương sửa chữa, khắc phục.

Phó Chủ tịch tỉnh xin tạm nghỉ việc để điều trị chấn thương


Lâm Đồng - Ông Võ Ngọc Hiệp - Phó Chủ tịch UBND tỉnh xin tạm nghỉ công tác điều hành, chỉ đạo để điều trị chấn thương.

Người dân TPHCM chật vật lội nước, xe cộ “chôn chân” sau cơn mưa lớn


TPHCM - Tối 7.10, cơn mưa lớn đã gây ngập sâu nhiều con đường ở quận Bình Thạnh, khiến người dân chật vật lội nước và kẹt xe về nhà.

Chủ quán cafe ở Thái Bình "choáng" vì hóa đơn nước quá cao


Thái Bình - Chủ quán kinh doanh cafe tại TP Thái Bình gửi đơn khiếu nại đến công ty nước sạch vì hóa đơn tiền nước liên tục tăng cao bất thường theo thời gian.

Công bố nguyên nhân vụ 59 người ở chung cư nghi bị ngộ độc


Nghệ An - Bể nước tại chung cư Golden City 3 (TP. Vinh) có nhiều vi sinh vật gây đau bụng, tiêu chảy cho 59 người dân.

Khẩn trương di dời 1 hộ dân khỏi vùng sạt lở đất ở Lâm Đồng


Lâm Đồng - Xã Lộc Thành, huyện Bảo Lâm vừa khẩn trương di dời một hộ dân khỏi vùng sạt lở đất để đảm bảo an toàn.

Ho Chi Minh City builds a pedestrian bridge worth nearly 1,000 billion VND connecting District 1 - Thu Thiem


The Ho Chi Minh City People's Committee has just approved the investment policy for a pedestrian bridge project across the Saigon River, connecting District 1 - Thu Thiem with a total investment of nearly 1,000 billion VND.

Ho Chi Minh City opens important underpass in District 7, bans motorbikes


HCMC - On the morning of October 4, the Nguyen Van Linh - Nguyen Huu Tho tunnel branch (from District 7 to Binh Chanh) opened to traffic, only allowing cars to pass, banning motorbikes and pedestrians.

Thi công hầm chui 830 tỉ đồng ở khu Nam TPHCM gây hư hỏng mặt đường


TPHCM – Thi công dự án hầm chui Nguyễn Văn Linh - Nguyễn Hữu Thọ (Quận 7) gây hư hỏng mặt đường, Sở Giao thông Vận tải (GTVT) TPHCM yêu cầu chủ đầu tư, nhà thầu khẩn trương sửa chữa, khắc phục.