Establishing the National Rice Council is necessary but avoiding overlap

Phan Anh - Phong Nguyễn |

Vietnam's rice export market is facing many opportunities to increase export volume and value. The establishment of the National Rice Council received many opinions in support, however, experts said that the Council needs to have clear functions and tasks... to avoid overlapping and "stepping on each other".

Rice export still has many challenges

In the context of a complicated geopolitical situation and volatile markets, Vietnamese rice exports face fierce competition from other countries such as Thailand, Myanmar, Pakistan... Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (ARD) and the Ministry of Industry and Trade have strongly agreed on the proposal to establish the National Rice Council .

This will be considered a forum for ministries, branches, localities, businesses, scientists and farmers to discuss and agree to make important decisions related to the rice industry at times. different points and situations.

The Council will be responsible for researching and proposing to the Government and Prime Minister on guidelines, strategies, mechanisms and policies to create a transparent and effective legal environment, ensuring stability and market development. ; promote comprehensive development of the rice industry, contributing to ensuring social welfare and national food security; Develop production and export towards sustainable goals through research and review to submit to the Government, Prime Minister or propose ministries and branches to promulgate supplements and amendments to legal documents. current laws, mechanisms and policies; Organize surveys and research on production and business systems domestically and internationally regarding the rice industry...

Establishment is necessary, but overlap must be avoided

Talking with Lao Dong reporter, Mr. Vu Tuan Anh - Chairman of JCI 2022 - said that, in the context of rice export with many advantages, but also many challenges like today, the establishment of the Association The National Rice Council is necessary.

“The Council needs to have clear functions and tasks... but cannot operate in the same way as the Vietnam Food Association, because if that happens, it will overlap, "step on top of each other" unnecessarily, and make the department cumbersome. machines cause waste and ineffectiveness" - Mr. Vu Tuan Anh said.

Meanwhile, Mr. Hoang Trong Thuy - agricultural expert, said that the establishment of the National Council of LGG is necessary. “The Council will create objectivity and harmony of interests between businesses and farmers. If there is only industry, trade and agriculture, it will only be trade and increased productivity. Thus, there is a lack of representation for rice growers, which is the Farmers' Association.

The establishment of the National Food Council does not overlap with the Food Association because the council has major functions and tasks such as advising, consulting and participating in coordinating production, import and export at the national level; both ensuring food security and ensuring reasonable import and export. The Food Association's activities are heavily business-oriented, with profit as the goal" - Mr. Thuy shared with Lao Dong reporter.

Mr. Vu Tuan Anh - CEO of GLE said that for the Council to operate objectively and effectively, the participants must not only include members of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development and the Ministry of Industry and Trade, but also need a number of relevant ministries and branches to participate. Direct participation to build the rice value chain, especially the participation of leading enterprises in the rice industry is needed, in which the role of Vinafood 1 and Vinafood 2 is indispensable.

"The Council needs to give rice growers and rice-producing localities overall strategic problems, and need strategic advice to handle issues such as: Market fluctuations, national policies, changes Climate change, consumer change; trade disputes, copyright protection; new trends in development... because for a long time the rice industry has lacked such a qualified organization, not the contents. The proposal is general and formal" - Mr. Vu Tuan Anh said frankly.

Phan Anh - Phong Nguyễn

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