What is the progress of the 1,500-bed hospital project after 10 years?


The 1,500-bed General Hospital project in Binh Duong (initial investment capital of 2,300 billion VND), built in 2014, has not yet been completed.

The Construction Investment Project Management Board of Binh Duong province said that the 1,500-bed General Hospital project, package No. 1 is the construction, supply and installation of technical systems by Construction Corporation No. 1 - JSC. construction. To date, the volume has reached 92.35% and disbursement reached 79.48%.

There is still the installation of terminal equipment waiting to be connected to the system for operation, so it depends on the implementation progress of the Central Technical Block and Funeral House (FMMO) item, and the General Hospital Equipment item. 1,500 beds.

Bidding package number 1 has reached 92.3%. Photo: Dinh Trong

Package No. 2 is construction and installation of medical gas system equipment and specimen transportation. The construction unit is a joint venture of TNT Trading and Technical Technology Company Limited - HTΜ Medical Equipment Trading and Services Joint Stock Company.

To date, the implementation volume has reached 89%, the disbursement volume has reached 49.56%, including the following tasks: complete construction of copper gas pipelines and specimen transportation pipelines; Terminal equipment, compressors, transport stations, gas cabinets, operating room ceiling arms... have been imported to the project...

Technical equipment installation is underway. Photo: Dinh Trong
Technical equipment installation is underway. Photo: Dinh Trong

The work that needs to be done includes the work of installing a single air outlet, installing the operating room ceiling mount, and installing the sending and receiving station, because we have to wait for the combined operating room work to be installed synchronously.

In addition to the contractual volumes of the two packages mentioned above, there is currently an air conditioning and ventilation system for the project. This is being submitted to the Provincial People's Committee for consideration and approval of the arising policy as a basis for implementation.

The project took a long time to complete, resulting in additional items. Photo: Dinh Trong

The completed project must wait, incurring maintenance costs

For the wastewater treatment station, construction has now been completed and the project's equipment connections have been installed. However, the wastewater source is not yet available and the transformer station has not been accepted to serve the project. This leads to some work items in the contract such as microbiological culture, system stabilization, interlock load testing, and transfer training having to wait until the 1,500-bed General Hospital officially operates.

Currently, the units have asked to temporarily stop construction. We are proposing that the investor consider additional funding for project protection and preservation of installed equipment.

Completion of component works must wait for other items. Photo: Dinh Trong
Completion of component works must wait for other items. Photo: Dinh Trong

Equipment project must be adjusted

For the 1,500-bed General Hospital equipment item approved since 2019, up to now the hospital's needs have many changes in terms of needs, quantity of equipment, technical features, technology,... Therefore, it is necessary to update and adjust it to suit the current needs of the user unit, the Hospital.

Currently, the project is carrying out the step of reporting and proposing adjusted investment policies. The report document proposing the adjusted investment policy has been appraised by the Department of Planning and Investment and is awaiting approval by the Provincial People's Council to take the next step. The project is expected to be completed in 2025.

The project is expected to be completed in 2025. Photo: Dinh Trong
The project is expected to be completed in 2025. Photo: Dinh Trong

1 contractor whose construction was slow had his contract terminated

The Construction Investment Project Management Board of Binh Duong province said it has terminated the construction contract for the Central Technical Block and funeral home items for Nam Thinh Refrigeration Electrical Engineering Joint Stock Company. To date, the implementation volume has reached 32.2%; Unrealized work accounts for 67.8%.


"Trảm" nhà thầu, bệnh viện 2.300 tỉ đồng khi nào xong?

Lê Thanh Phong |

Tỉnh Bình Dương "trảm" nhà thầu vì thực hiện chậm trễ bệnh viện 2.300 tỉ đồng.

Lý do cắt hợp đồng 1 nhà thầu dự án bệnh viện 2.300 tỉ đồng


Dự án Bệnh viện 1.500 giường kéo dài thời gian thực hiện, tỉnh Bình Dương quyết định cắt hợp đồng đối với 1 nhà thầu.

Làm đường rộng 10 làn xe, nhà xưởng bạt ngàn đón nhà đầu tư


Những nhà máy sản xuất công nghiệp phía Nam tỉnh Bình Dương đang được định hướng dịch chuyển phía Bắc. Nhiều đường lớn, khu nhà xưởng mới đang được xây dựng.

Một nhà hàng ở Yên Bái bị tố chặt chém đoàn từ thiện bão lũ

Trần Bùi |

Một nhà hàng trên địa bàn TP Yên Bái bị đoàn khách từ thiện tố "chặt chém" khi thu hóa đơn tới gần 5 triệu đồng cho bữa cơm 12 người.

Bà Nguyễn Phương Hằng được ra tù vào hôm nay


Cơ quan chức năng tại tỉnh Bình Dương cho biết, sáng nay (19.9), bà Nguyễn Phương Hằng được ra tù sau khi được xét giảm án.

Bão số 4 chưa vào, cây cối ở Quảng Bình đã bật gốc


Bão số 4 chưa vào, cây cối tại đường Võ Thị Sáu (TP Đồng Hới, tỉnh Quảng Bình) đã bật gốc.

Ứng phó bão số 4, chủ động với các tình huống xấu nhất xảy ra


Thủ tướng Chính phủ yêu cầu quyết liệt ứng phó bão số 4 theo phương châm "bốn tại chỗ", chủ động xử lý các tình huống xấu nhất có thể xảy ra.

Cầu trên tuyến nối Hòa Bình với Hà Nội bị nứt gãy, sụt mố

Minh Nguyễn |

Hòa Bình - Cầu Ngòi Móng trên tỉnh lộ 445 (tuyến đường nối thành phố Hòa Bình) bất ngờ bị nứt, sụt mố cầu lúc nửa đêm, may mắn không gây thiệt hại về người.

When will "paying" contractors and hospitals 2,300 billion VND be completed?

Lê Thanh Phong |

Binh Duong province "decapitated" the contractor for delaying implementation of the hospital worth VND 2,300 billion.

Reason for cutting the contract of a contractor for a 2,300 billion VND hospital project


The 1,500-bed hospital project extended its implementation time, Binh Duong province decided to cut the contract with a contractor.

Build 10-lane wide roads and vast factories to welcome investors


Industrial factories in the south of Binh Duong province are being oriented to move north. Many major roads and new factory areas are being built.