People in landslide areas wait wearily for resettlement

Đinh Đại |

Lao Cai - For many years, people in Suoi Chai village, Phin Ngan commune, Bat Xat district have always had to live in the risk of landslides because there has been no resettlement.

The whole village was isolated because of the broken bridge and landslide.

In recent days, Lao Cai province has experienced moderate to heavy rains over a wide area. This has caused landslides on many roads leading to communes and villages, making travel difficult.

Present in Phin Ngan commune, Bat Xat district in the first days of October, Lao Dong Newspaper reporters recorded serious landslides, especially on the main roads leading to villages and hamlets.

Cay cau dan vao thon Suoi Chai da khong the di do mua lu lam hong. Anh: Dinh Dai
The bridge leading to Suoi Chai village is impassable due to damage from floods. Photo: Dinh Dai

Finding the way to Suoi Chai village, where 25 households are being evacuated from areas at high risk of landslides, it was observed that the bridges leading to this village are impassable by both cars and motorbikes.

Walking into the village is also dangerous, as you have to cross fast-flowing streams and damaged bridges. Even climbing the trails is impossible because of landslides and mud.

Mr. Vang A Khang (Phin Ngan commune) said: "The heavy rain in the past few days has made the landslide situation even more serious. The roads are all covered in deep mud, making it very difficult to travel and extremely dangerous because one side is a mountain and the other side is a cliff."

According to Mr. Khang, Suoi Chai village is currently isolated and inaccessible because the main roads and bridges are all eroded and damaged.

Mot tuyen duong khac cung bi sat lo, cac phuong tien khong the di lai khien thon Suoi Chai bi co lap
Another road was also eroded, making it impossible for vehicles to travel, isolating Suoi Chai village. Photo: Dinh Dai

Sharing with Lao Dong Newspaper reporters over the phone, Mr. Phan Ta - Head of Suoi Chai village said: "Our village is currently isolated because the bridge is broken and the road is landslide. People are currently being mobilized to repair the road and bridge to soon reconnect traffic with the outside."

Regarding resettlement arrangements for households at risk of landslides, according to Suoi Chai Phan Ta Village Chief, the village currently has about 25 households that have been relocated. However, for many years, this has not been possible.

Mot diem truong hoc cua thon canh khu vuc sat lo. Anh: Dinh Dai
A school in the village next to the landslide area. Photo: Dinh Dai

"The households have been waiting for a long time, but they don't know what to do, so they have to stay in the landslide-prone area, facing danger and continuing to wait. When it rains and floods, they will move to the temporary shelter built by the government 3 years ago to stay for a few days, and when the rain stops, they will return home because the house is very cramped and hot," Suoi Chai Village Chief Phan Ta added.

Slow resettlement makes people struggle to escape floods

Ms. Chao May (Suoi Chai village) said: "When we didn't have the capital, it was obvious that we couldn't do it. At the end of last year, we had the money but we couldn't do it quickly in the months before the storm season so people could move to a safe place. Now that it's raining and flooding, we can't do it because the roads are broken. Our lives are always threatened by the risk of landslides."

Khu nha ton ma nguoi dan thon Suoi Chai den o tam moi khu mua lu. Anh: Dinh Dai
The corrugated iron house where people in Suoi Chai village temporarily live during floods. Photo: Dinh Dai

Mr. Vang Lao Lo - Chairman of the People's Committee of Phin Ngan commune informed: In recent days, due to the rain, the road to Suoi Chai village has been eroded, the whole village is currently isolated. The government has sent people to find a way into the village to grasp the situation.

According to research, 25 households of Suoi Chai village are among the total 70 households in the resettlement project to Lao Vang village. The project has a total investment of more than 21 billion VND. Although it was planned since 2020, it has not been implemented due to lack of budget.

Nhieu ho dan doi dien nguy co sat lo van tung ngay mong moi duoc di chuyen den noi an toan. Anh: Dinh Dai
Many households facing the risk of landslides still hope to move to safety every day. Photo: Dinh Dai

Speaking to Lao Dong Newspaper, Mr. Vu Van Sinh - Director of Bat Xat District Construction Investment Project Management Board said: "Due to the capital allocation from the National Target Program budget, at the end of 2023, we started the resettlement project in Lao Vang village for households in areas at high risk of landslides. It is expected to be completed by the end of 2024".

According to Mr. Vu Van Sinh, the project has cleared 5 hectares of land, only 1 hectare is left and the commune is still implementing the remaining area.

Truoc khi khu tai dinh cu duoc ban giao, nguoi dan chi con cach song chung voi nguy hiem. Anh: Dinh Dai
Before the resettlement area was handed over, people had no choice but to live with the danger. Photo: Dinh Dai

In addition to the unfinished land clearance, the project has only been able to deploy the clean water system. However, there are still problems because the pipeline runs through the fields of some households in Sa Pa, so they are demanding compensation.

According to Mr. Vu Van Sinh, the resettlement project in Phin Ngan commune will include: leveling the ground, installing electricity and water systems, and building internal roads. When completed, it will be divided into many lots for households to build houses.

"The storm has caused many roads to be broken, making it impossible to bring in equipment for construction. We are planning to move machinery through Sa Pa to the resettlement site. Therefore, the project will not be completed this year and will have to be postponed until next year," added Vu Van Sinh, Director of the Bat Xat District Construction Investment Project Management Board.

Đinh Đại

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Phó Chủ tịch tỉnh xin tạm nghỉ việc để điều trị chấn thương


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Driving experience in mountainous areas with frequent landslides

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Landslides cause heavy damage in Ha Giang

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