Vinamilk and children in difficult areas, after the flood, happily celebrate Mid-Autumn Festival

Viên An |

Vinamilk has carried out many activities to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival with children in remote and disadvantaged areas, children in less fortunate circumstances at protection centers and brought milk and cakes to children after the storms and floods.

Ong Do Thanh Tuan, Giam doc Doi ngoai Vinamilk, trao nhung phan qua cho hoc sinh Truong THCS dan toc noi tru Phu Luong (tinh Thai Nguyen). Ảnh: Vinamilk
Mr. Do Thanh Tuan, Director of External Relations of Vinamilk, presented gifts to students of Phu Luong Ethnic Boarding Secondary School (Thai Nguyen province). Photo: Vinamilk
Nhan nhung phan qua gom sua tuoi, sua dac cua Vinamilk va banh mi, cac em deu hon ho, vui thich vi da co the kip don trung thu sau nhung ngay bao lu. Ảnh: Vinamilk
Receiving gifts of fresh milk, condensed milk from Vinamilk and bread, the children were all excited and happy because they were able to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival after the days of storms and floods. Photo: Vinamilk

More than 1,000 gifts including condensed milk, fresh milk, and cakes were delivered to children who had just experienced storms and floods in Hanoi and Thai Nguyen. In Hanoi, the gifts were delivered to children in Thach That and Quoc Oai districts. Meanwhile, on September 17, Vinamilk staff also came to give gifts to children at Phu Luong Ethnic Boarding Secondary School (Thai Nguyen province). The school has 368 students, with 12 classes, all of whom are ethnic children.

Khong chi mang den sua, doan nhan vien Vinamilk con vui choi cung cac em nham tao niem vui, dong vien cac em ve lai cuoc song thuong ngay sau nhung ngay bao lu. Ảnh: Vinamilk
Not only providing milk, Vinamilk staff also played with the children to create joy and encourage them to return to their daily lives after the storm and flood. Photo: Vinamilk

“During the flood, the water rose very high, the water in the yard was over my body. We all had to move to the first floor. The school kitchen was also flooded, so the teachers had to cook rice elsewhere and row a boat to bring it to school for us,” said Dinh Hai Lam, a 6th grade student at Phu Luong Ethnic Boarding Secondary School.

Tre nho tai xom Trung Son, xa Quang Son, huyen Dong Hy (tinh Thai Nguyen) co mot trung vui tuoi hon voi cac phan qua cua Vinamilk. Ảnh: Vinamilk
Children in Trung Son hamlet, Quang Son commune, Dong Hy district (Thai Nguyen province) have a happier life with gifts from Vinamilk. Photo: Vinamilk

After the flood receded, in recent days, teachers and students here have worked together to clean up the school so that they can return to their normal learning and living activities. The children were also able to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival without any storms or floods.

Cac phan qua, sua Vinamilk duoc trao tang cho tre em co hoan canh dac biet, kho khan tai Can Tho dip trung thu. Ảnh: Vinamilk
Gifts and Vinamilk milk were given to children in special and difficult circumstances in Can Tho on the occasion of Mid-Autumn Festival. Photo: Vinamilk

Many children in Trung Son hamlet, Quang Son commune, Dong Hy district (Thai Nguyen province) also received gifts from Vinamilk on the Mid-Autumn Festival. The gifts are small but show care and love, bringing joy to the children, as well as encouraging them to overcome difficulties. In particular, Mr. Do Thanh Tuan, Director of External Relations of Vinamilk, shared that for children, milk is a necessary source of nutrition to help them develop physically and Vinamilk always pays attention and prioritizes nutritional products for children.

Tre em co hoan canh dac biet tai Bac Ninh cung co mot trung thu am ap hon voi cac phan qua tu nhan vien Nha may sua Tien Son - Vinamilk. Ảnh: Vinamilk
Children in special circumstances in Bac Ninh also had a warmer Mid-Autumn Festival with gifts from Tien Son Milk Factory - Vinamilk employees. Photo: Vinamilk

Previously, Vinamilk donated more than 500 gifts including Ong Tho condensed milk, 100% fresh milk, moon cakes, backpacks, and school supplies to poor children in Ca Mau; and disadvantaged children being cared for at centers for disabled children, child protection centers, and shelters in Can Tho and Bac Ninh.

Nhan vien Vinamilk da chung tay to chuc cho cac em tai xa Dat Mui (Ca Mau) mot trung thu vui tuoi, am ap. Ảnh: Vinamilk
Vinamilk employees joined hands to organize a joyful and warm Mid-Autumn Festival for children in Dat Mui commune (Ca Mau). Photo: Vinamilk
Tre em tai xa Dat Mui (tinh Ca Mau) vui trung thu cung doan nhan vien Vinamilk. Ảnh: Vinamilk
Children in Dat Mui commune (Ca Mau province) celebrate Mid-Autumn Festival with Vinamilk staff. Photo: Vinamilk

In Dat Mui commune (Ca Mau province) - the southernmost point of the country, Vinamilk employees joined hands to organize a joyful and warm Mid-Autumn Festival for the children. In addition to gifts of milk and moon cakes, playing games and watching performances, the children received 15 scholarships, more than 1,000 books, notebooks, hundreds of school supplies and 5 laptops. These were gifts jointly made by Vinamilk employees at many units across the country.

Viên An

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Đoàn Hưng |

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