Cars can pass through Ma Phuc pass

Tân Văn |

Cao Bang - Car owners can now drive their vehicles into the famous Ma Phuc pass instead of having to take a detour.

According to records, starting from the afternoon of September 18, part of the barrier prohibiting cars and motorbikes from entering the Ma Phuc Pass area was removed, allowing vehicle owners to travel on this road instead of having to take another route to avoid landslides.

Driver Nguyen Van Tuan said: "Everyone is happy that the road is open. I went from Cao Bang city to Quang Uyen town. Before September 18, I had to go around, but now I can go through the pass, it will be more convenient."

Cac phuong tien luu thong tren cung deo Ma Phuc. Anh: Hoa Ky.
Vehicles on Ma Phuc Pass. Photo: United States.

Currently, there are still scattered landslides and cracks on the mountain passes, so authorities still advise vehicle owners to be extremely careful.

"People who need to pass through as well as live around the area should take special care not to pass through when there is no important work to limit risks. People absolutely must not stop and park in this area," the recommendation of the authorities of Quang Hoa district stated.

As Lao Dong reported, from September 11 to 12, many cracks appeared on the top of Ma Phuc pass at Km297+00 - Km297+500, each crack was about 70 - 100m long, the crack width was generally from 0.3 - 1.2m, the crack depth was about 0.5 - 1.7m, posing a very high risk of landslides.

Nhung vet nut tren cac tang deo. Anh: Tan Van.
Cracks on the mountain pass floors. Photo: Tan Van.

Faced with the above complicated situation, the Department of Transport of Cao Bang province issued Notice No. 2628/TB-SGTVT to advise and regulate traffic.

Image recorded by people passing through Ma Phuc Pass on September 18. Video: Dam Tuan.

The traffic diversion plans are applied from September 11 to September 30.

Thong bao ket thuc phan luong giao thong cua So GTVT tinh Cao Bang. Anh: Don vi cung cap.
Notice of end of traffic diversion of Cao Bang Province Department of Transport. Photo: Provided by the unit.

However, on September 17, after checking and re-evaluating the current status of the pass, the Cao Bang Provincial Department of Transport issued Notice No. 2737 on ending traffic diversion and returning normal traffic.

In addition to its role as a natural boundary between Hoa An and Quang Hoa districts, Ma Phuc pass also conquers many people with its rare majestic beauty.

Ma Phuc Pass is located in Cao Xuyen hamlet, Quoc Toan commune, Quang Hoa district, with a length of more than 3.5km at an altitude of 700m above sea level. Through 7 slopes, this is one of the most beautiful passes in Cao Bang. Ma Phuc is classified as a geological heritage of Non Nuoc Cao Bang Global Geopark, recognized by UNESCO in 2018.

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