Electric motorbike can go long distance, has water resistance


Many users are interested in electric motorbikes equipped with waterproof technology and the ability to travel long distances.

Pega AuraS+

The Pega AuraS+ electric motorbike has an elegant, sophisticated appearance. The body of the vehicle is rounded and feminine. The vehicle is 1,770mm long, 710mm wide and 1,085mm high.

The vehicle has an engine with a maximum capacity of 1,200W for powerful, durable and smooth operation. According to the manufacturer's introduction, the vehicle's speed can reach up to 50km/h, the distance traveled after 1 full charge is about 100km.

Xe may dien Pega AuraS+. Anh: Pega
Pega AuraS+ electric motorbike. Photo: Pega

This is an electric motorbike equipped with many outstanding utilities and safety. It can be mentioned that the smart watch face fully displays important parameters, easy to observe. The front lighting section has a suitable light intensity, ensuring safety for the driver when moving. The trunk under the saddle is quite spacious, integrated with trunk lights and a convenient USB charging port.

In addition, according to the manufacturer, this vehicle is equipped with waterproof technology. This helps limit damage to parts and components when the vehicle moves in the rain or through flooded areas.

Anbico Gogo SS

Anbico Gogo SS is an electric motorbike with an elegant and dynamic design. The vehicle is equipped with a solid aluminum fork with delicate lines, making the vehicle more prominent. The length x width x height of the vehicle according to the manufacturer's introduction is 1,700mm x 705mm x 1,040mm.

The vehicle is equipped with a waterproof engine, with a maximum capacity of 1,600W. The vehicle can reach a maximum speed of 50km/h. The distance traveled after a full charge ranges from 80km - 100km. This is convenient for users who often have to travel long distances.

Xe may dien Anbico Gogo SS. Anh: Anbico
Anbico Gogo SS electric motorbike. Photo: Anbico

The car has a modern lighting system, providing better lighting. The electronic clock face fully displays parameters of speed, distance... The steering wheel of the car is designed symmetrically, with function control buttons arranged reasonably, easy to operate.

The Anbico Gogo SS electric motorbike has a spacious under-seat compartment that can hold 2 half-head helmets and many personal items. The vehicle is equipped with a front storage compartment and a convenient hook. In addition, the vehicle uses a mechanical key and a multi-function electronic lock cluster such as locating the vehicle, anti-theft alarm...

Note: Actual distance and maximum speed may vary due to a number of factors (load, temperature, wind speed, driving habits, etc.). Customers who wish to purchase a vehicle should contact the dealer directly for more information.


Xe máy điện có khóa thông minh, dễ dàng tìm xe trong bãi


Nhiều mẫu xe máy điện được trang bị khóa thông minh tích hợp các tính năng như xác định vị trí xe, báo động chống trộm... đem lại tiện ích cho người dùng.

2 xe máy điện chống ngập nước dưới 40 triệu đồng

Xuyên Đông |

Hiện nay, nhiều thành phố lớn thường xuyên ngập nước. Do đó, người dân rất quan tâm xe máy điện có tính năng chống nước.

Xe máy điện có ngoại hình sang trọng, vận hành êm ái


EVgo A và Anbico Valerio LS là hai trong nhiều mẫu xe máy điện người tiêu dùng có thể cân nhắc nếu yêu thích những chiếc xe có ngoại hình sang trọng, tinh tế.

Chủ tàu du lịch Hạ Long lao đao sau bão Yagi

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Giao công an xác minh việc "hôi của" trên cao tốc ở Phú Thọ

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Nam Định có tân Giám đốc Sở Giáo dục và Đào tạo

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Thanh Hóa khởi tố, bắt tạm giam 5 cán bộ huyện Quảng Xương

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THANH HÓA - Công an tỉnh đã bắt tạm giam 5 bị can “Lợi dụng chức vụ, quyền hạn trong khi hành công vụ", trong đó có nguyên Chủ tịch huyện.

Electric motorbike with smart lock, easy to find in parking lot


Many electric motorbike models are equipped with smart locks that integrate features such as vehicle location, anti-theft alarm... bringing convenience to users.

2 flood-proof electric motorbikes under 40 million VND

Xuyên Đông |

Nowadays, many big cities are often flooded. Therefore, people are very interested in electric motorbikes with waterproof features.

Electric motorbike has luxurious appearance and smooth operation


EVgo A and Anbico Valerio LS are two of many electric motorbike models that consumers can consider if they love vehicles with a luxurious and sophisticated appearance.