Handling violations at Con Nhi ferry terminal after Lao Dong's reflection


Thai Binh - Authorities have inspected and handled a series of violations at the passenger wharf across the Con Nhi River.

Quickly check and handle violations

Lieutenant Colonel Nguyen Hoa Hiep - Deputy Head of the Traffic Police Department - Thai Binh Provincial Police, said that immediately after Lao Dong Newspaper published an article reflecting a series of signs of violations of regulations at Con Nhi ferry on the Red River between Thai Binh and Nam Dinh provinces, the authorities of Thai Binh province stepped in to verify and handle the case.

Right at noon on September 26, the joint force, including representatives of the Waterway Traffic Police Team, Traffic Police Department - Thai Binh Provincial Police; Traffic Inspectorate, Thai Binh Department of Transport; Economic - Infrastructure Department, Kien Xuong District People's Committee and representatives of Hong Tien Commune People's Committee, went to Con Nhi ferry to inspect and work with Mr. Mai Xuan Doanh, the owner of this cross-river passenger ferry.

Doan kiem tra lien nganh lam viec voi ong Mai Xuan Doanh la chu ben tai ben khach ngang song Con Nhi. Anh: Nam Hong
The interdisciplinary inspection team worked with Mr. Mai Xuan Doanh, the owner of the passenger wharf across the Con Nhi River. Photo: Nam Hong
Tien hanh lam viec tai tru so UBND xa Hong Tien (huyen Kien Xuong, tinh Thai Binh). Anh: Nam Hong
Working at the headquarters of the People's Committee of Hong Tien commune (Kien Xuong district, Thai Binh province). Photo: Nam Hong

Minutes of the meeting with the presence and witness of representatives of the units show that the procedures and documents related to the operation of the wharf are complete according to regulations; waterway signs are complete; access and exit routes, measures to ensure safety of inland waterway traffic (life jackets, floating equipment) are complete according to regulations.

However, the wharf regulations and fare table have the wrong name of the management and operating unit, the wrong wharf name; some signs leading to Con Nhi wharf have inappropriate content (wrong wharf name, wrong type of vehicle, and possible load), and the location of the signs has not been approved by the competent authority.

Bien chi dan, quang cao dat trai phep da bi do bo. Anh: Nam Hong
Illegally placed signs and advertisements have been removed. Photo: Nam Hong

The Traffic Police Department - Thai Binh Provincial Police has drawn up an administrative violation record against the owner of Con Nhi ferry terminal for violating the wharf regulations and fare board by incorrectly stating the name of the management and operating unit and the wharf name; requiring the wharf owner to dismantle the wharf to correct the content according to regulations.

To ensure strict implementation of inland waterway traffic laws and legal regulations, ensuring traffic safety for people and vehicles crossing the river, the interdisciplinary inspection team requested and requested the owner of the cross-river passenger terminal to supplement the regulations and ticket prices in accordance with regulations; remove all illegal signs on September 26; and temporarily suspend the operation of the terminal until the above contents are completed as required.

The inspection team also requested the People's Committee of Hong Tien Commune (Kien Xuong District, Thai Binh Province) to be responsible for supervising and urging the owner of Con Nhi ferry to implement these contents and report the results to the People's Committee of Kien Xuong District. At the meeting, Mr. Mai Xuan Doanh, the owner of the ferry, acknowledged and agreed with the contents in the minutes, and committed to comply with the requirements of the inspection team.

Cac bang, bien chi dan, quang cao cua ben do Con Nhi truoc khi chua bi xu ly. Anh: Trung Du
Signs, billboards, and advertisements of Con Nhi ferry terminal before being handled. Photo: Trung Du

Request the owner of Con Nhi ferry not to repeat the offense

On the morning of September 27, speaking with Lao Dong reporter, Mr. Doan Van Tri - Head of Economic - Infrastructure Department of Giao Thuy district, Nam Dinh province - said that after receiving the information reflected in Lao Dong newspaper, the unit also went to the area of ​​Con Nhi ferry terminal in Hong Thuan commune, Giao Thuy district to inspect and verify.

At the time of inspection, the owner of Con Nhi ferry had removed the illegal signboard on the bank of the Red River in Nam Dinh province. The Economic - Infrastructure Department of Giao Thuy district reminded and requested the ferry owner to strictly follow the regulations and not repeat the violation in the future.


Bến đò Cồn Nhì ở Thái Bình bị tố "nhái", "tự xưng" là... phà


Theo phản ánh, hiện có hàng loạt dấu hiệu hoạt động không đúng quy định tại bến đò Cồn Nhì nối giữa Thái Bình - Nam Định.

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TPHCM dự kiến ban hành bảng giá đất mới trước ngày 15.10 nhằm khắc phục những bất cập của bảng giá đất hiện tại.

Cập nhật giá vàng chốt phiên 27.9: Bứt phá mạnh mẽ

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Hà Vi |

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