Reader Nguyen Thi Van said: Official dispatch No. 5845/BYT-TCCB dated July 29, 2016 of the Ministry of Health on the implementation of preferential occupational allowances is a regular administrative document, but it stipulates the subjects eligible for preferential occupational allowances.
"I would like to ask, is this document understood to contain legal content? Is this document in accordance with the regulations in promulgating documents?" - a reader asked.
Regarding this issue, the Ministry of Health responded as follows:
Implementing the Law on Civil Servants and documents guiding the law, regulations on ranks and rank codes cease to be effective, after receiving the agreement of the Ministry of Home Affairs in Official Dispatch No. 2218/BNV-TL dated May 20, 2016 on the implementation of preferential allowances by profession and the Ministry of Finance in Official Dispatch No. 9102/BTC-HCSN dated July 4, 2016 on preferential allowances by profession for civil servants and public employees working in public health facilities; the Ministry of Health issued Official Dispatch No. 5845/BYT-TCCB dated July 29, 2016 guiding localities and units on the implementation of preferential allowances by profession.
According to Official Dispatch No. 5845/BYT-TCCB dated July 29, 2016, the Ministry of Health guides the implementation of Joint Circular No. 02/2012/TTLT-BYT-BNV-BTC while the revised Circular has not yet been issued; specifically as follows:
- Medical professionals appointed to a professional title with the first character of the professional title code being V.08 and meeting all the conditions prescribed in Decree No. 56/2011/ND-CP dated July 4, 2011 and Joint Circular No. 02/2012/TTLT-BYT-BNV-BTC dated January 19, 2012 are entitled to preferential professional allowances.
- Officials who are in the process of completing the appointment dossier for a professional title and are receiving preferential professional allowances will continue to receive preferential professional allowances according to regulations.