Patient N.T. N, 36 years old (Thanh Oai district, Hanoi) was transferred to the Central Obstetrics Hospital by a medical facility in Hanoi for emergency treatment in a state of lethargy, pale skin; rapid, small, difficult to catch pulse; blood pressure that could not be measured.
Due to the patient's unconsciousness and lack of family members to accompany him. Through exploiting the patient's medical history information from the transfer unit, it is known that Ms. N did not know she was pregnant because she still saw bleeding through the cycle. However, this menstrual period has unusual signs such as prolonged bleeding for 15 days, dark menstrual blood, and in recent days, there has been a state of severe abdominal pain, fullness of stomach, but due to being busy with work, he has not been examined.
On March 4, Ms. N felt more tired, so she went to a medical facility near her home for examination. While waiting for the test, he suddenly suddenly collapsed and had a seizure. Ms. N was immediately given first aid and transferred to the Central Obstetrics Hospital in critical condition.
At the emergency room, the patient was examined and given an ultrasound and discovered that there were many epidemics (bloods) in the abdomen. The diagnosis was that the outside lining of the uterus had broken, causing serious shock and blood loss, and the risk of death was very high if not intervened promptly.
Determining this to be an extremely urgent emergency situation, the Central Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital activated the "Red Alert" process, mobilizing the entire resuscitation and surgery crew. The patient was transferred directly to the operating room to perform intensive resuscitation and prepare for emergency surgery, taking advantage of every precious second to save the patient's life.
Dr. Bach Minh Thu - Head of the Department of Anesthesia and Resuscitation Surgery, who directly resuscitates the patient - shared: The patient was admitted to the hospital in a state of severe shock, low blood pressure, small pulse, pale skin, the patient was at risk of cardiac arrest at any time.
"We have to urgently infuse high-molecular fluids and blood pressure drugs to maintain circulation, and urgently infuse blood to patients, closely monitor vital signs to raise blood pressure to a safe level. This is truly a race against time" - Dr. Thu said.
Thanks to the quick treatment and active resuscitation, the patient's blood pressure was gradually raised, helping to stabilize the shock condition. As soon as vital signs improved, the surgical team immediately performed an emergency endoscopy.
When entering the abdomen, the doctors discovered that the placenta was in the right fallopian tube and had broken, the abdomen was covered with blood. Immediately, the surgeon removed the right fallopian tube to stop the bleeding, and at the same time sucked the blood in the abdomen. The amount of blood fluid taken from the patient's abdomen was nearly 3 liters.
Dr. Phan Chi Thanh - the person who directly performed the emergency endoscopic surgery - said: "For cases of severe blood loss shock, if blood pressure is unstable, we are forced to perform emergency surgery immediately to determine the cause and handle it promptly. For example, the longer the waiting time, the more blood is lost, the more difficult the resuscitation process is, the higher the risk of death".
After 1 hour of resuscitation and stress surgery, the surgery was successful, the patient was given 2,500ml (blood, fresh huyet tuong, bloody stopping factor), the patient overcame the critical condition. Currently, after 5 hours of surgery, the patient is alert, the pulse - blood pressure is back to normal, the patient continues to be resuscitated and closely monitored after surgery to ensure safe recovery.