Profit of billions when buying a house in an alley in Hanoi after a few years

Minh Anh |

Hanoi - Many owners have made billions of dong in profits after buying houses in alleys in the capital after only a few years, even though the current condition of the buildings has seriously degraded.

Speaking with Lao Dong reporter, Ms. Nguyen Thi Xuan (living in Giang Vo ward, Ba Dinh district) said that in early 2023, her family decided to buy a house in an alley in Giang Vo ward for 5 billion VND.

"During the time we moved in, because the alley was too narrow, my family posted an ad to sell the house in May 2024 for 6.1 billion VND to find an apartment in the inner city. This price includes all furniture and interiors," said Ms. Xuan.

Also successfully selling a house in an alley in Thanh Xuan district, Ms. Le Thi Ngoc Lan (born in 1982, from district Y Yen, Nam Dinh) confided that she bought this house for about 3.5 billion VND, 35 square meters wide in early 2018 for her daughter to study in Hanoi.

According to Ms. Lan, because she no longer needed to use the house, her family put it up for sale in June 2024 at a price of 5 billion VND/house, including transfer and procedure costs. Thus, after 6 years of use, Ms. Lan's house has made a profit of about 1.5 billion VND.

The segment of houses in alleys in Hanoi's inner city districts has recently attracted much attention. Photo: Thu Giang

Commenting on the reason for the recent increase in house prices in alleys, Mr. Nguyen Van Dinh - Chairman of the Vietnam Real Estate Brokers Association (Vars) - informed that the reason is partly due to the high prices of the apartment market, which has prompted a group of home buyers to change direction.

Notably, the segment of houses in alleys ranging from 3-5 billion VND is of great interest because with the same budget, to buy an apartment, one must move to an area far from the center and is increasingly scarce.

Regarding price fluctuations in the housing market, at the end of September 2024, the Ministry of Construction sent a report to the Office of the Government analyzing the cost structure, selling prices and causes of real estate price increases.

The Ministry of Construction stated that during the hot period of the real estate market, many brokers used deposits to buy houses and land from sellers, then increased the price by 10-15% and sold it to others.

Through synthesis, it is shown that these activities of some associations, groups of speculators, investors and individual real estate brokers are also part of the reason for the increase in real estate and residential land prices in recent times.

Regarding the above issue, the Vietnam Association of Realtors (VARS) also recommends that people who want to buy a house in an alley need to be alert and vigilant against the tricks of homeowners and brokers.

People should not buy houses in alleys that are too deep or too small, because in case of fire or explosion risks, fire trucks will have difficulty entering. In addition, buyers should not rush to pay because they may be "taken advantage of" when prices increase artificially.

To buy a house at its true value, experts say buyers need to consult prices at reputable brokerage firms. At the same time, Hanoi’s housing prices have reached their peak, so if you want to buy at this time, you need to consider carefully.

Minh Anh

Nhà trong ngõ gần 10 tỉ đồng ở Hà Nội liên tục rao bán

Minh Anh |

Hà Nội - Nhiều căn nhà trong ngõ tại Thủ đô có giá gần 10 tỉ đồng đang được chủ sở hữu rao bán liên tục trên các hội nhóm, mạng xã hội.

Nhà trong ngõ hẹp bất ngờ giảm giá hàng trăm triệu đồng

Lê Tâm |

Nhiều căn nhà trong ngõ tại Hà Nội sau hàng chục năm sử dụng đang rao bán giảm giá từ 200-400 triệu đồng/căn.

Giá nhà trong ngõ 2 quận Hà Nội rao bán 200 triệu đồng/m2

Thu Giang |

Nhiều căn nhà trong ngõ hẹp tại quận Thanh Xuân, Hà Đông (Hà Nội) thời gian qua đang được rao bán với mức giá từ 150-200 triệu đồng/m2.

Lao động Đồng Tháp hạnh phúc hồi hương, có việc ổn định

Lục Tùng - Phong Linh |

Đồng Tháp - Với nhiều chủ trương thiết thực, hiệu quả, Đồng Tháp không chỉ kết nối mà còn giúp người lao động hồi hương tìm thấy hạnh phúc ngay quê nhà.

Sinh viên tố phải ăn cơm thừa, Đại học Bách khoa HN nhận lỗi

Vân Trang |

Sinh viên Đại học Bách khoa Hà Nội phản ánh, các em phải ăn cơm thừa, thậm chí là cơm có sâu, phân chuột khi học Giáo dục Quốc phòng và An ninh tại trường.

Ôm mộng làm KOL, KOC kiếm tiền tỉ


Choáng ngợp trước doanh số được các kênh bán hàng tự công bố, không ít người ôm mộng bỏ việc làm hiện tại, chuyển hướng trở thành KOL, KOC để kiếm tiền tỉ.

Milton thần tốc trở thành siêu bão mạnh nhất hành tinh 2024

Thanh Hà |

Siêu bão Milton tăng vọt 5 cấp trong 24 giờ thành cơn bão mạnh nhất hành tinh năm 2024. Cơn bão này khiến giới dự báo bão bàng hoàng.

Giáng Son tiết lộ điều ít biết về "Hà Nội 12 mùa hoa"

Linh Chi - Việt Anh |

Để viết nên những lời ca trong "Hà Nội 12 mùa hoa", nữ nhạc sĩ đã ấp ủ cả chục năm và mất khoảng 2 tiếng để chắt lọc những ca từ tuyệt đẹp.

House in alley worth nearly 10 billion VND in Hanoi is continuously for sale

Minh Anh |

Hanoi - Many houses in alleys in the capital worth nearly 10 billion VND are being continuously advertised for sale by their owners on groups and social networks.

House in narrow alley suddenly reduced in price by hundreds of millions of dong

Lê Tâm |

Many houses in alleys in Hanoi, after decades of use, are being sold at a discount of 200-400 million VND/house.

House price in alley 2, district Hanoi for sale 200 million VND/m2

Thu Giang |

Many houses in narrow alleys in Thanh Xuan district, Ha Dong (Hanoi) are being sold at prices ranging from 150-200 million VND/m2.