1. Records kept when performing registration procedures and issuing Certificates include:
a) Documents submitted by land users and owners of assets attached to land when carrying out registration procedures and granting Certificates;
b) Documents prepared by competent authorities during the process of handling registration procedures and granting Certificates;
c) The certificate has been revoked.
After revoking the Certificate, the Land Registration Office shall stamp "Revoked" on the issued Certificate for storage.
2. The records specified in Clause 1 of this Article shall be stored and compiled into records for each land plot and each apartment, arranged and numbered in chronological order of the time recorded in the cadastral book of the first land registration records and assets attached to land; the record serial number consists of 06 digits and is numbered consecutively, following the serial numbers of the records established before the effective date of this Circular.
In case of first land registration, if the land user requests to be granted a common Certificate for many agricultural land plots, a common file must be prepared for those land plots.
In case of joint land registration for multiple plots of land without granting a Certificate, a joint file shall be created for those plots of land.
In case of registration of changes that separate land plots to create new plots, a separate file must be prepared for each newly separated plot.
In case of registration of changes and land plot consolidation, the dossier for the newly consolidated land plot shall be prepared based on the consolidation of the dossiers of the land plots before the consolidation.
3. Where a locality has implemented land registration by electronic means, the records specified in Clause 1 of this Article shall be stored in the land database.
In case the locality has not yet received land registration dossiers by electronic means, the dossiers specified in Clause 1 of this Article shall be digitized and stored in the land database.
4. The registration procedure file code for looking up registration records is represented by 03 consecutive code sets separated by a "dot" in the form (ST.MB.TB), in which:
a) ST is the serial number of the file specified in Clause 2 of this Article;
b) MB is the code of the type of fluctuation represented by a symbol as prescribed in Appendix No. 05 issued with this Circular;
c) TB is the registration number of changes of each dossier specified in Clause 2 of this Article, expressed in 03 digits, starting from number 001.