Union supermarket, coffee shop in the company canteen

Linh Nguyên |

Hanwha Aero Engines Co., Ltd. is a Korean aviation engine manufacturing enterprise (under Hanwha Group), licensed to operate in Vietnam since 2017, with more than 580 officers and employees. The grassroots union was established in July 2018 under the direction of the direct superior union, the Thach That District Labor Federation (Hanoi). The grassroots union always proactively coordinates with business owners to promote the care and protection of the legitimate and legal rights and interests of union members and employees in the enterprise.

One of the activities of the Company Union that has been recognized by union members and employees is the implementation of the Union Supermarket model, a coffee shop in the canteen. This model was formed from the idea of ​​the grassroots Union with the desire to help employees both buy products with clear origins and save monthly expenses.

In particular, this is also a place where workers can take a break before and after work. In operation since September 2023, up to now, this is a place to serve workers, meeting the shopping needs of their families. According to union members and employees of the company, the products sold here are rich, of clear origin, and have preferential prices. Therefore, the Supermarket not only meets the shopping needs of workers but also helps them save a sum of money on monthly shopping expenses. Many people compare that buying goods at the market on the way home from work does not ensure hygiene and safety like buying at the Union Supermarket, and it takes time to stop the car. This is not as convenient as after work hours, even during break time, going to the Union Supermarket at the company to buy things in advance, after work, just go straight from the company to home. Shopping here also has a detailed invoice for each item...

Based on the wishes of the workers, the grassroots union proposed to the Board of Directors to open a supermarket and a coffee shop in the canteen and received the consensus and support of the company's leaders. The premises and electricity and water for the operation of the supermarket are supported by the company. This is an important factor that helps the selling price of products to be lower than the selling price outside.

Over the period of implementation, this model has proven its practicality and thereby improved the effectiveness of caring for the material and spiritual lives of workers. From there, it creates attachment and trust between workers and the company and the Trade Union.

Linh Nguyên

18 năm ở nhờ, nữ đoàn viên xã đảo có nhà Mái ấm Công đoàn


Kiên Giang - Sau 18 năm ở nhờ nhà bà con, nữ đoàn viên ở xã đảo đã có được ngôi nhà mới của riêng gia đình mình.

Cập nhật kiến thức mới cho cán bộ Công đoàn chủ chốt

Bảo Hân |

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Kiều Vũ |

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Khánh Minh |

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Hình ảnh phố núi Yên Bái thoát nguy cơ ngập lụt lần 2

Trần Bùi |

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Huyện nông thôn mới đầu tiên của Quảng Ninh lên thành phố

Đoàn Hưng |

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18 years of living with others, female union member of island commune has a house at Trade Union Shelter


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Update new knowledge for key union officials

Bảo Hân |

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Hanoi Trade Union Competition - Journey of construction and development

Kiều Vũ |

Hanoi - The final round of the Hanoi Trade Union Competition - Journey of construction and development took place on the morning of October 1.