Pursuant to Article 7 of Decree 178/2024/ND-CP, policies for people retiring before retirement age include the following:
1- Receive a one-time retirement benefit for early retirement.
2- Enjoy early retirement policy based on working time with compulsory social insurance and number of years of early retirement:
In case of having 2 to 5 years remaining to the retirement age prescribed in Appendix I issued with Decree 135/2020/ND-CP and having enough working time with compulsory social insurance payment to receive pension according to the provisions of the law on social insurance, in addition to enjoying the retirement regime according to the provisions of the law on social insurance, they are also entitled to the following regimes:
No deduction of pension rate due to early retirement;
Receive a subsidy of 5 months of current salary for each year of early retirement compared to the retirement age prescribed in Appendix I issued with Decree No. 135/2020/ND-CP;
Receive a subsidy of 5 months of current salary for the first 20 years of work with mandatory social insurance. From the 21st year onwards, for each year of work with mandatory social insurance, a subsidy of 0.5 months of current salary will be provided.
In case of having more than 5 years to 10 years of retirement age as prescribed in Appendix I issued with Decree 135/2020/ND-CP and having enough time to pay compulsory social insurance to receive pension according to the provisions of the law on social insurance, in addition to enjoying the retirement regime according to the provisions of the law on social insurance, they are also entitled to the following regimes:
No deduction of pension rate due to early retirement;
Receive a subsidy of 4 months of current salary for each year of early retirement compared to the retirement age specified in Appendix I issued with Decree 135/2020/ND-CP;
Receive a subsidy of 5 months of current salary for the first 20 years of work with mandatory social insurance. From the 21st year onwards, for each year of work with mandatory social insurance, a subsidy of 0.5 months of current salary will be provided.
In case of having less than 2 years left until the retirement age specified in Appendix I issued with Decree 135/2020/ND-CP and having enough working time with compulsory social insurance payment to receive pension according to the provisions of the law on social insurance, they will enjoy pension according to the provisions of the law on social insurance and will not have their pension rate deducted due to early retirement.
In case of having less than 2 years left until retirement age as prescribed in Appendix II issued with Decree 135/2020/ND-CP and having enough working time with compulsory social insurance payment to receive pension according to the provisions of the law on social insurance;
In which, having 15 years or more working in a heavy, toxic, dangerous or especially heavy, toxic, dangerous job on the list issued by the Ministry of Labor - Invalids and Social Affairs or having 15 years or more working in an area with particularly difficult socio-economic conditions issued by the Ministry of Labor - Invalids and Social Affairs, including working time in a place with a regional allowance coefficient of 0.7 or higher before January 1, 2021, will be entitled to pension benefits according to the provisions of the law on social insurance and will not have the pension rate deducted due to early retirement...