Binh Thuan workers have many recommendations about social insurance

Duy Tuấn |

Binh Thuan - Workers and laborers asked many questions and made many recommendations about social housing, social insurance, health insurance, and unemployment insurance to the provincial National Assembly delegates.

On October 10, the Binh Thuan Provincial Federation of Labor coordinated with the National Assembly Delegation of Binh Thuan Province to organize a thematic meeting with voters and workers before the 8th session of the 15th National Assembly.

About 100 union members and workers at grassroots unions participated.

Ong Do Huu Quy - Chu tich LDLD tinh Binh Thuan phat bieu tai buoi tiep xuc cu tri cong nhan, lao dong. Anh: Duy Tuan
Mr. Do Huu Quy - Chairman of Binh Thuan Provincial Labor Federation spoke at the meeting with voters, workers and laborers. Photo: Duy Tuan

At the conference, the National Assembly Delegation of Binh Thuan province informed voters about the expected program and content of the 8th Session of the 15th National Assembly; at the same time, listened to, recorded and summarized the recommendations of workers to report and reflect at the upcoming National Assembly Session.

Doan vien dua ra cac kien nghi. Anh: Duy Tuan
Union members make recommendations. Photo: Duy Tuan

Union member Doan Thi My Thach of the Industrial Parks Trade Union of Binh Thuan province hopes that the authorities and provincial leaders will pay more attention to building social housing for workers in industrial parks so that workers can work with peace of mind.

Mot co giao kien nghi ve Bao hiem that nghiep. Anh: Duy Tuan
A teacher petitions about Unemployment Insurance. Photo: Duy Tuan

Union member Tran Van Binh (grassroots union - An Thuan Security Services Joint Stock Company) expressed his joy that the National Assembly has paid attention to the legitimate rights and interests of workers and laborers by reviewing, amending and passing a number of laws related to workers and laborers, focusing on the Trade Union Law (amended); Law on Health Insurance...

Mr. Binh suggested that the National Assembly continue to pay attention to, amend, and continue to perfect the legal policy system to handle cases of enterprises that are slow or owe social insurance and health insurance payments for employees.

Khoang 100 cu tri cong nhan lao dong tham gia. Anh: Duy Tuan
About 100 workers and laborers attended the meeting with voters and workers. Photo: Duy Tuan

Member Nguyen Van Hien said that social insurance differentiates between the state and non-state sectors, so there are two different ways of calculating. At the same time, he proposed to improve the service nature of health insurance, so that patients have the right to choose medical examination and treatment facilities, only then will there be competition between medical examination and treatment facilities, and then the quality will improve.

Doan dai bieu Quoc hoi tinh Binh Thuan chu tri hoi nghi. Anh: Duy Tuan
The National Assembly delegation of Binh Thuan province chaired the conference. Photo: Duy Tuan
Ong Dang Minh Thong, Pho Giam doc BHXH tinh Binh Thuan tra loi cac cau hoi lien quan linh vuc. Anh: Duy Tuan
Mr. Dang Minh Thong, Deputy Director of Binh Thuan Social Insurance, answered questions related to the insurance sector. Photo: Duy Tuan

And many other opinions of union members about special recruitment of full-time union officials; preventing black credit for workers; issues of health insurance examination and treatment,...

Through the opinions of workers and laborers, the National Assembly Delegation of Binh Thuan province requested relevant units to respond and resolve voters' questions satisfactorily, within their authority and in accordance with the actual situation in the locality.

Cac phan qua trao tang cong nhan lao dong kho khan. Anh: Duy Tuan
Gifts given to workers in difficult circumstances. Photo: Duy Tuan

In his concluding remarks, Deputy Head of the National Assembly Delegation of Binh Thuan Province Nguyen Huu Thong acknowledged the opinions, proposals and dedicated contributions of workers and laborers. For recommendations beyond local authority, the National Assembly Delegation of Binh Thuan Province will synthesize, research and send to the National Assembly so that amended laws can be issued to overcome the limitations and shortcomings of current laws, better ensuring the rights of cadres, union members and laborers.

On this occasion, the Provincial National Assembly Delegation and the Binh Thuan Provincial Labor Federation presented 100 gifts to workers and laborers in difficult circumstances in the area. Each gift was worth 1,000,000 VND in cash from the Binh Thuan Provincial Labor Federation's budget.

Duy Tuấn

Hơn 178 tỉ đồng chậm đóng BHXH ở Bình Thuận

Duy Tuấn |

Bình Thuận - Đến hết tháng 9.2024, nhiều đơn vị sử dụng lao động trên địa bàn tỉnh chậm đóng BHXH, BHYT, BHTN với số tiền hơn 178 tỉ đồng.

Tuyên truyền an toàn giao thông đến công nhân lao động


Ngày 9.10, Liên đoàn Lao động tỉnh Bình Phước phối hợp với Công an tỉnh Bình Phước tổ chức tuyên truyền về an toàn giao thông cho công nhân lao động.

Công nhân gửi gắm nhiều kiến nghị đến đại biểu Quốc hội


Lâm Đồng – Ngày 7.10, Đoàn Đại biểu Quốc hội tiếp xúc cử tri chuyên đề với công nhân lao động tại Cụm công nghiệp Phát Chi - Trạm Hành.

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tam nguyên |

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More than 178 billion VND late payment of social insurance in Binh Thuan

Duy Tuấn |

Binh Thuan - By the end of September 2024, many employers in the province were late in paying social insurance, health insurance, and unemployment insurance with an amount of more than 178 billion VND.

Traffic safety propaganda to workers


On October 9, the Binh Phuoc Provincial Labor Federation coordinated with the Binh Phuoc Provincial Police to organize traffic safety propaganda for workers.

Workers send many petitions to National Assembly delegates


Lam Dong – On October 7, the National Assembly Delegation had a thematic meeting with voters and workers at Phat Chi - Tram Hanh Industrial Park.