Pursuant to Article 17 of the Law on Professional Soldiers, Workers and National Defense Officials 2015, it is stipulated that:
Term and age limit of service of professional soldiers
1. The term of service of professional soldiers in peacetime is as follows:
a) Serve for a term of at least 06 years from the date of decision to become a professional soldier;
b) Serve until the expiration of the age limit as prescribed in Clause 2 of this Article.
2. Maximum age limit for active service of professional soldiers according to military rank:
a) Professional military lieutenant: male 52 years old, female 52 years old;
b) Major, Lieutenant Colonel, professional soldier: male 54 years old, female 54 years old;
c) Professional military colonel: male 56 years old, female 55 years old.
3. Professional soldiers with high technical and professional qualifications, good political qualities, ethics, health and volunteerism, if the army has a need, will be considered for an extension of their active service age of no more than 5 years.
4. Fighters who perform tasks when they reach 40 years old will be given priority in training, development and assigned to other positions in accordance with the requirements of the army or transferred to another sector. In cases where the army cannot continue to employ them and cannot transfer them to another sector, if they have paid social insurance for 20 years, of which 15 years are spent as fighters, they will be eligible for retirement.
The list of combatant titles is prescribed by the Minister of National Defense.
Thus, professional soldiers are considered for an extension of their active service age of up to 5 years if the army has a need.