Youme Law Firm LLC said that according to Resolution 27-NQ/TW in 2018, salary reform for employees in enterprises is regulated as follows:
* Regarding regional minimum wage
- Continue to improve the policy on regional minimum monthly wages; supplement regulations on regional minimum hourly wages.
- Adjust the regional minimum wage to ensure the minimum living standard of employees and families of salary earners, placed in relationship with factors of the labor market and socio-economic development...
- Complete the functions, tasks, and organizational structure of the National Salary Council; add independent experts to the Council.
* Regarding the salary and income management mechanism
- Enterprises are allowed to decide on their own salary policies and pay salaries not lower than the minimum wage announced by the State.
- The State announces regional minimum monthly and hourly wages, average market wages for occupations and supports the provision of labor market information, without directly intervening in the salary policy of enterprises. Enterprises and employees negotiate, negotiate wages, sign labor contracts and pay wages associated with labor productivity and results...
* For State-owned enterprises
- The State shall prescribe general principles to determine salaries and bonuses for state-owned enterprises in conjunction with labor productivity and production and business efficiency, aiming to ensure a salary level in the market. Implement the assignment of salary costs, including bonuses in the salary fund associated with tasks, production and business conditions, etc.
- Clearly classify the salary of the State capital representative with the salary of the executive board; implement the principle that whoever hires or appoints him/her will evaluate and pay the salary. The State stipulates the basic salary, additional salary and annual bonus associated with the scale, complexity of management and the efficiency of production and business, using State capital for State capital representatives. The basic salary is adjusted in accordance with the salary level of the domestic and regional markets...
- For enterprises performing market stabilization tasks according to the tasks assigned by the State, it is calculated and determined to excluding costs to ensure the implementation of market stabilization tasks, as a basis for determining salaries and bonuses of employees and enterprise managers. For public service enterprises, the State correctly and fully calculates salary costs in accordance with market level into costs, unit prices of public products and services. The State implements income regulation policies to ensure the harmony of interests between enterprises, managers, employees and the State.