Summary of the Month of Action for Occupational Safety and Hygiene in 2024

Đền Phú |

On the morning of September 25, the Central Steering Committee for the Month of Action on Occupational Safety and Hygiene held a conference to summarize the Month of Action on Occupational Safety and Hygiene in 2024.

The Central Steering Committee (SC) for the Month of Action on Occupational Safety and Hygiene held a conference to review the Month of Action on Occupational Safety and Hygiene (OSH) in 2024 and discussed the plan to organize the Month of Action on OSH in 2025.

Ong Le Van Thanh, Thu truong Bo Lao dong - Thuong binh va Xa hoi phat bieu khai mac. Anh: Den Phu
Mr. Le Van Thanh, Deputy Minister of Labor, War invalids and Social Affairs delivered the opening speech. Photo: Den Phu

Attending the conference were Mr. Le Van Thanh, Deputy Minister of Labor, War invalids and Social Affairs (LDTBXH); Mr. Ha Tat Thang, Director of the Department of Labor Safety (DOL); Ms. Ho Thi Kim Ngan, Deputy Head of the Labor Relations Department, Vietnam General Confederation of Labor (VGCL) and representatives of the Ministry of Public Security, Ministry of National Defense, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Construction, Ministry of Transport, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development...

Reporting at the Conference on the results of implementing the 2024 Occupational Safety and Health Action Month, Ms. Chu Thi Hanh - Deputy Director of the Department of Labor Safety said that the 2024 Occupational Safety and Health Action Month had many practical and diverse activities and was enthusiastically responded to by ministries, branches, localities, agencies, organizations, enterprises and workers, with innovation and creativity suitable to the actual situation.

Ba Chu Thi Hanh, Pho Cuc truong Cuc an toan lao dong, phat bieu tai Hoi nghi ve ket qua trien khai Thang hanh dong ve ATVSLD nam 2024. Anh: Den Phu
Ms. Chu Thi Hanh, Deputy Director of the Department of Labor Safety, spoke at the Conference on the results of implementing the Month of Action on Labor Safety and Hygiene in 2024. Photo: Den Phu

As the standing agency of the Central Steering Committee, the Ministry of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs has proactively coordinated with ministries, branches and agencies that are members of the Central Steering Committee to advise and propose the development of themes, plans and organization of the 2023 Action Month on Occupational Safety and Health; worked with a number of localities and enterprises on plans to organize the Action Month.

With the theme "Strengthening occupational safety and hygiene at the workplace and in the supply chain", the 2023 Occupational Safety and Health Action Month has also received the attention and participation of Party and State leaders, agencies, ministries, sectors, businesses and workers.

Responding to the Action Month, in the first 6 months of 2024, the Ministry of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs conducted 67 inspections of compliance with legal regulations on labor, safety and occupational hygiene at 67 units and imposed administrative penalties with a total fine of VND 1,076 million.

Dai bieu tham du hoi nghi. Anh: Den Phu
Delegates attending the conference. Photo: Phu Den

On the part of relevant ministries and branches, medical units under the Ministry of Health have organized periodic health check-ups for nearly 207,000 workers; examined and detected occupational diseases at 18,537 units; conducted work environment measurements for more than 1,250 units and production and business establishments; the Ministry of National Defense has organized more than 1,236 training courses for nearly 145,600; visited and presented gifts to 689 families of victims of work accidents, etc.

In response to the Action Month, the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor visited, encouraged and presented gifts to more than 84,770 victims and their families of occupational accidents. For the first time, the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor organized an online contest "Workers, civil servants, and laborers learn about occupational safety and health" nationwide. The contest had the participation of 836,177 people who are officials and employees of 82 provincial and municipal labor confederations directly under the Central Government.

Ba Ho Thi Kim Ngan, Pho Truong ban Quan he lao dong, Tong Lien doan Lao dong Viet Nam phat bieu tai hoi nghi. Anh: Den Phu
Ms. Ho Thi Kim Ngan, Deputy Head of Labor Relations, Vietnam General Confederation of Labor, spoke at the conference. Photo: Den Phu

Localities, corporations, general companies, and enterprises have also actively responded to the 2024 Occupational Safety and Health Action Month through information and propaganda activities on occupational safety and health; inspection, examination, and self-inspection activities on occupational safety and health; and training on occupational safety and health. Many practical activities to reduce stress and conflicts in the workplace have been implemented and actively responded to by ministries, branches, and enterprises.

At the Conference, delegates discussed and evaluated the results achieved in the Action Month as well as the limitations and shortcomings that need to be overcome. At the same time, they discussed and contributed ideas on the direction and plan for organizing the Action Month on Occupational Safety and Health in 2025, such as: Theme, scale, form of organization of the Launching Ceremony, location, main contents and activities in the Action Month in 2025...

Đền Phú

Người lao động TP Cần Thơ chung tay vì đồng bào miền Bắc

Mỹ Linh |

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Đinh Đại |

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