Should we reduce visceral fat and lose weight by eating chili?

Kiều Vũ (tổng hợp từ webmd & quora) |

Chili is the choice of some people who want to reduce visceral fat and lose weight . Which type of chili has this effect?

How visceral fat is burned

The body has two types of fat, white fat and brown fat. White fat stores excess fat, causing the body to gain weight. Brown fat can burn itself even when there is little exercise. Eating a lot of chili will help white fat convert into brown fat and consume excess fat.

Visceral fat, excess fat in the body, is burned by capsaicin in chili. Capsaicin is a nutrient that can inhibit the growth of fat cells, thereby stimulating the fat burning process, especially visceral fat. Therefore, eating foods rich in capsaicin, especially chili, can promote faster fat burning, helping to reduce visceral fat and lose weight.

The hot taste of capsaicin in chili peppers not only adds flavor to dishes but also helps promote metabolism and burn energy. Therefore, the amount of fat stored as energy in the body will be burned and prevent the risk of obesity.

The effect of supporting fat burning, visceral fat and weight loss is present in all types of chili, not just any type of chili.

How to lose weight safely by eating chili

However, because the body's energy metabolism must occur at a certain level, you should not overdo it by eating too much chili. In addition, you should eat chili with other dishes or spices. Cooked chili will reduce the spiciness to help the body absorb it more moderately.

People with cardiovascular and intestinal diseases should not lose weight with chili because capsaicin can increase heart rate and increase acid secretion in gastric juice.

Kiều Vũ (tổng hợp từ webmd & quora)

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