Stroke is likely to occur when you regularly eat dinner after 8pm.

Kiều Vũ (Tổng hợp từ webmd & Bodyandsoul) |

The risk of stroke comes from regularly eating dinner after 8pm. Besides, eating too much dinner can also be the cause of diabetes .

Stroke risk reduced if dinner early

Eating dinner at 9 p.m. increases the risk of cerebrovascular disease by 28% compared to eating at 8 p.m. Eating dinner one hour earlier reduces the risk of cerebrovascular disease by 7%. Some research results show that eating dinner earlier helps reduce the risk of ischemic stroke and other cerebrovascular diseases.

Regularly eating breakfast too late also increases the risk of cardiovascular disease . Every hour late breakfast increases the risk of cerebrovascular disease by 6%. Therefore, you should eat breakfast at 8 am.

It can be seen that people who often skip breakfast and eat dinner late face a higher risk of stroke or cardiovascular disease. In addition, eating fast food, daily nutritional supplements along with fasting time will affect the biological rhythm of the body's organs. Thereby affecting the metabolic function of the heart, such as blood pressure regulation.

It is best to have dinner about 4-5 hours before going to bed.

Diabetes and heart disease may be caused by eating too much dinner

When the body has to absorb too much energy due to overeating at dinner, it will easily lead to high blood cholesterol levels. This is the leading cause of atherosclerosis and cardiovascular diseases.

Middle-aged people and older, when eating too much at night, especially foods that are difficult to digest, foods containing a lot of fat, protein, etc., will put a lot of pressure on the pancreas to secrete insulin, forcing the pancreas to work too hard, leading to the risk of diabetes later .

You should not eat too much dinner but you should not skip dinner either. Dinner dishes should be low in calories, low in protein, and contain more green vegetables and whole grains . When you eat a lot of fiber and vitamins, your body will be sure to get enough energy. A proper and ideal dinner should have at least 1/2 vegetables, the rest should be protein and starch. You can add a little monounsaturated fat such as olive oil, sesame oil and nuts.

After dinner, drink a small glass of warm water to reduce the risk of dehydration at night. This can also help reduce the risk of cramps, reduce the risk of stroke and heart attack for people with cardiovascular disease.

Kiều Vũ (Tổng hợp từ webmd & Bodyandsoul)

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