What fruit should people with fatty liver eat?

Kiều Vũ (tổng hợp từ Researchgate & Quora) |

Fatty liver is a disease that many people suffer from. Some fruits can help improve this condition.

Fatty liver disease means the accumulation of fat in liver cells and makes the liver more susceptible to damage, which can lead to hepatitis and liver failure. There is currently no specific treatment for fatty liver disease, but it can only be improved by changes in diet and daily activities.

Papaya improves fatty liver

Papaya fruit and papaya seeds have the benefits of burning fat accumulated in the liver. Therefore, papaya is very good for improving fatty liver condition.

Papaya also contains many vitamins, so it has the effect of purifying, reducing fat accumulation in liver cells, while increasing the production of bile which helps digest fat. Papaya is a food that should be included in the menu of foods to improve fatty liver. Compounds in papaya fruit and seeds have the ability to promote fat absorption while helping to remove toxins and excess cholesterol from the body.

Drinking a glass of papaya juice with seeds will purify the liver and help treat fatty liver disease. You should drink this glass of juice every afternoon for best results.

Drink fresh lemon juice to detoxify the liver

Some citrus fruits, including lemons, are effective in detoxifying the liver. Lemons are rich in vitamin C, a natural antioxidant that helps the liver produce more glutathione, which plays an important role in detoxifying the body.

Lemons contain a compound called naringenin, which reduces liver inflammation associated with fatty liver disease. Nutrients in lemons can reduce the storage of fat in the liver.

Chanh thai lat mong, cho vao chai nuoc uong hang ngay cung giup cai thien tinh trang gan nhiem mo. Anh: Kieu Vu

Thinly sliced ​​lemons, added to a bottle of water to drink every day, also helps improve fatty liver condition. Photo: Kieu Vu

To maximize the effect of lemon juice in helping to improve fatty liver condition, you can drink fresh lemon juice 2-3 times a day, continuously for a month. You can also slice the lemon into thin slices, put it in a water bottle, and drink it daily to help improve fatty liver condition.

Kiều Vũ (tổng hợp từ Researchgate & Quora)

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Mẹo nấu nước đậu xanh giải độc gan đơn giản

Kiều Vũ (T/H) |

Đậu xanh là thực phẩm có tác dụng giải độc, mát gan, thanh nhiệt cơ thể rất tốt. Có một số cách đơn giản làm nước đậu xanh tại nhà để giải độc gan có thể tham khảo.

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Mẹo nấu nước đậu xanh giải độc gan đơn giản

Kiều Vũ (T/H) |

Đậu xanh là thực phẩm có tác dụng giải độc, mát gan, thanh nhiệt cơ thể rất tốt. Có một số cách đơn giản làm nước đậu xanh tại nhà để giải độc gan có thể tham khảo.