Nutritionist Narang at Indraprastha Apollo Hospital, New Delhi (India) said that when the temperature drops rapidly, our body needs nutrients to fight the cold, boost immunity and maintain energy.
Some leafy green vegetables have properties that are effective in boosting the immune system and fighting the winter chill, including:
Spinach: Rich in iron, vitamin K, vitamin C and folate… spinach also helps fight anemia and boosts the immune system. Antioxidants like lutein and zeaxanthin support eye health while magnesium helps maintain energy levels. This vegetable is considered a good source of fiber, promoting healthy digestion.
Spinach is great when used in soups, curries or even as a main ingredient for winter salads.
Kale: Rich in vitamins A, C and K, has calcium, which supports bone health, and antioxidants that fight inflammation and protect against chronic disease.
You can saute kale with garlic for a quick side dish, blend it into a smoothie, or add it to a stew.
Kale: Rich in vitamins C, K, and beta-carotene. The sulfur compounds in kale act as natural detoxifiers, helping the body eliminate toxins.
Fenugreek leaves: Rich in iron, fiber and protein, ideal for maintaining energy and preventing fatigue.
Fenugreek leaves also have anti-inflammatory properties and help regulate blood sugar levels.
Collard greens: Rich in vitamin K, calcium and soluble fibre, they help lower cholesterol and support heart health. Collard greens also contain glucosinolates, which have potential anti-cancer properties. These greens are best enjoyed in the winter and can be used in wraps, stews or stir-fries.
Amaranth leaves: High in iron, calcium, and potassium, which are essential for maintaining muscle and bone health. Amaranth is also rich in fiber and antioxidants, which support digestive health and reduce oxidative stress.
All you have to do is look for greens with bright colors and crisp leaves, prepare them for immediate use or store them in the refrigerator, and wash them before use to remove dirt and pesticides.
Nutritionist Narang further noted that, in addition to adding these vegetables to your diet, you should also combine them with a varied, nutritious diet and maintain a healthy lifestyle to increase your body's resistance.