By 2030, the semiconductor industry will need 50,000 workers

Hà Anh |

The program "Developing human resources for the semiconductor industry to 2030, with a vision to 2050" has just been approved by the Government.

Deputy Prime Minister Le Thanh Long has just signed Decision No. 1017/QD-TTg approving the program "Developing human resources for the semiconductor industry to 2030, with a vision to 2050". Accordingly, the important goal is to train at least 50,000 university-level or higher human resources to serve the semiconductor industry in Vietnam by 2030, of which 15,000 people will participate in design, and 35,000 people will participate in production, packaging, and testing stages.

In addition to developing human resources, the program also emphasizes specialized training in semiconductor technology, especially in the fields of artificial intelligence, with at least 5,000 highly trained professionals. In particular, the program aims to build a strong workforce capable of joining the global value chain in the semiconductor industry by 2050.

The program will also invest in training facilities, including upgrading and modernizing four national semiconductor laboratories at Vietnam National University, Hanoi, Vietnam National University, Ho Chi Minh City, Da Nang City, and the National Innovation Center. In addition, 18 public higher education institutions across the country will also receive investment in training facilities.

To achieve these goals, the program sets out seven groups of tasks and solutions. The solutions include perfecting financial support policy mechanisms and simplifying administrative procedures to facilitate public-private partnerships in human resource training. At the same time, the program encourages the attraction of talent and domestic and foreign experts through attractive remuneration policies.

The program also emphasizes the development of the semiconductor ecosystem, supporting domestic enterprises to access labor resources and technology. In particular, enterprises in the industry will be encouraged to establish a fund for training and human resource development to ensure sustainable development.

Funding for the program will be mobilized from the state budget, capital from enterprises, and domestic and foreign organizations and individuals. The Ministry of Planning and Investment will be responsible for coordinating, monitoring, and reporting the program's implementation progress to the Prime Minister annually, in order to ensure sustainable and quality development for Vietnam's semiconductor industry.

Hà Anh

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Việt Bắc |

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