Girl urged by mother to marry, wants to marry barber


Urged by her mother to get married, the girl went to a dating show and pressed the button to choose the guy as a barber.

In the new episode of "You Want to Date", Quyen Linh and Ngoc Lan matchmake two guests of the same age and hometown. The groom is Truong Trung Hieu (32 years old), a barber in Dong Nai, paired with Dinh Thi Thuy, a home-based electrical and water saleswoman.

Trung Hieu has been through two relationships. He said that when he was 20, he had a long-distance relationship with his girlfriend. Because of distance, the two broke up after 4 years. With his second relationship, Trung Hieu dated another girlfriend for 1 year. His family came to ask for her hand in marriage, but the girl's family refused.

Coming to the program, Trung Hieu hopes to find a girlfriend who is hard-working, loves her parents, and knows how to cook.

As for Dinh Thi Thuy, she shared that she has not had any deep love. She said that from high school to university, her parents wanted her to focus on studying so she did not fall in love. When she finished school, she went to work and then came home to do business, work kept her busy. She dated a few people but it only lasted a few months.

When asked about her ideal boyfriend, the girl expressed that she likes someone like MC Quyen Linh, who is hard-working, sincere, and responsible for his family.

After opening the love fence, Dinh Thi Thuy and Trung Hieu gave each other gifts and started talking. When hearing the girl frankly share that she likes a hard-working, responsible, and non-patriarchal man, Trung Hieu was confident that he could satisfy her, so he urged her to press the button right away.

During the conversation, the barber took the initiative to get to know Dinh Thi Thuy. When he heard that she was the only unmarried child in the family, he immediately said: "Let's go ahead, don't make your parents sad."

When asked about the time to get married, the bride said that if both sides sympathize and understand each other, they can organize the wedding next year. She admitted that she is old and being rushed by her family.

Before making his choice, Trung Hieu also expressed that he was not sure if he would bring wealth to his girlfriend, but he could guarantee that he would bring her happiness and a safe harbor.

As a result, after 3 hours of Ngoc Lan's counting, the couple pressed the date button.


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