Are civil servants entitled to two types of allowances at the same time?


Ministry of Home Affairs informs readers about 2 allowance regimes for civil servants working in areas with especially difficult socio-economic conditions.

Ms. Le Phuong (Kon Tum) has been working in Tu Mo Rong district (an area with particularly difficult socio-economic conditions), Kon Tum province since January 2017.

In October 2022, she was recruited as a civil servant at the People's Committee of Tu Mo Rong district according to Decision No. 1495/QD-SNV, dated October 12, 2024 of the Department of Home Affairs of Kon Tum province and received the attraction allowance stated in Article 4 of Decree 76/2019/ND-CP (no more than 5 years with an allowance equal to 70% of the current salary plus seniority allowance beyond the framework, leadership position allowance).

As of July 2024, Ms. Phuong has participated in social insurance in Tu Mo Rong district for 7 years and 7 months.

Article 5 of Decree 76/2019/ND-CP stipulates the level of allowance for long-term work in areas with especially difficult socio-economic conditions.

"So when I work in Tu Mo Rong district (an area with particularly difficult socio-economic conditions), can I simultaneously receive both attraction allowance and long-term service allowance if I meet the eligibility requirements for these two types of allowances?" - Ms. Phuong asked.

Regarding the reflection and recommendation of Ms. Le Phuong, the Ministry of Home Affairs has responded on the Electronic Information Portal.

Regarding the subjects of application of attraction allowances and long-term work allowances in areas with particularly difficult socio-economic conditions, it is stipulated in Decree No. 79/2019/ND-CP dated October 8, 2019 of the Government on policies for cadres, civil servants, public employees, workers and salary earners in the armed forces working in areas with particularly difficult socio-economic conditions.

Thus, when working in an area with particularly difficult economic and social conditions, one can simultaneously receive both attraction allowance and long-term service allowance if one meets the eligibility requirements for these two types of allowances.

The implementation of policies for cadres, civil servants and public employees in Kon Tum province is under the authority of the Provincial People's Committee. Therefore, the Ministry of Home Affairs recommends that you contact the agency managing cadres, civil servants and public employees in Kon Tum province (Department of Home Affairs) for answers.


Kiến nghị bổ sung 58 biên chế công chức tại Hà Tĩnh


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