Former BTS management company director harshly criticized HYBE president


The former public relations director at Big Hit Music - BTS's manager - continued to criticize HYBE President Bang Si Hyuk after Min Hee Jin's speech.

In a post on his personal account, the former Big Hit Music public relations director expressed his support for Min Hee Jin - former CEO of ADOR (NewJeans management company) and harshly criticized HYBE Chairman Bang Si Hyuk.

The former director began, "After watching Min Hee Jin's speech for the Hyundai Card event (September 27 evening), I couldn't help but think that if she and I had met at Big Hit in the past, we would have worked well together."

She expressed sympathy for Min Hee Jin's hardships as the former ADOR CEO almost had to sell his house to pay for legal fees, and encouraged Min Hee Jin to fight to the end to win.

She also recalled her tiring days at Big Hit Music, attributing much of the stress to Bang Si Hyuk's personal greed and desire for recognition.

“The board members had to act like a tongue in my mouth. This was the most humiliating thing I ever heard while working at Big Hit,” the former director recalled Chairman Bang Si Hyuk saying.

Accordingly, she played an important role in finding a company to represent BTS in the US, during the group's first promotions in this market, when supporting Kpop stars abroad was still considered risky.

She criticized HYBE for lacking gratitude towards those who helped raise their artists, including their American agency and many foreign journalists. She also emphasized that Bang Si Hyuk is showing the same attitude towards Min Hee Jin.

Tranh cai ILLIT dao nhai NewJeans duoc de cap. Anh: Naver
The controversy over ILLIT plagiarizing NewJeans is mentioned. Photo: Naver

The former director also mentioned the controversy of ILLIT plagiarizing NewJeans and affirmed that HYBE could not help but recognize the similarities between the two girl groups.

“There's no way President Bang doesn't know that ILLIT is too similar to NewJeans. They always like to compare idol styles and gather information about their competitors.

“Because they couldn't create a girl group like NewJeans on their own, they tried to imitate it, and when the response wasn't bad, they thought they didn't need an original producer anymore,” the former director said.

She then continuously criticized Bang Si Hyuk: “How can a person not change at all?

Bang Si Hyuk is intelligent, but lacking in looks and other aspects, desperately seeking love from others, while being too conceited since birth.

He has a natural tendency to hurt those around him with harsh words and feels superior.

Although he could see the future, he could not read the hearts of the people in front of him. He inherently felt superior to those who had lower education levels than him. He always wanted to be the main character but hid his jealousy…”


"Mẹ đẻ NewJeans" là người tạo ra câu khẩu hiệu của HYBE


Min Hee Jin - cựu CEO công ty ADOR, quản lý nhóm NewJeans - tiết lộ rằng cô là người thiết kế logo cho SM Entertainment và sáng tạo ra câu khẩu hiệu của HYBE.

HYBE bị nhà báo của Billboard bóc trần việc nói dối?


HYBE tiếp tục bị chỉ trích khi một nhà báo có tiếng của Tạp chí Billboard đã lên tiếng làm rõ vụ việc liên quan đến Min Hee Jin.

HYBE không chấp nhận “mẹ đẻ NewJeans" trở lại làm CEO ADOR


Yêu cầu đưa Min Hee Jin trở lại vị trí CEO ADOR không được chấp nhận. Nhưng HYBE đề xuất Min Hee Jin tiếp tục làm nhà sản xuất cho NewJeans trong 5 năm.

Chủ tàu du lịch Hạ Long lao đao sau bão Yagi

Đoàn Hưng |

Quảng Ninh - Mặc dù hoạt động du lịch đã phục hồi sau bão Yagi, nhưng những chủ tàu du lịch TP Hạ Long bị chìm đắm vẫn gặp rất nhiều khó khăn.

Giao công an xác minh việc "hôi của" trên cao tốc ở Phú Thọ

Tô Công |

Phú Thọ - UBND huyện Cẩm Khê giao Công an và chính quyền xã Minh Tân xác minh, làm rõ thông tin "hôi của" trên cao tốc Nội Bài - Lào Cai.

Nam Định có tân Giám đốc Sở Giáo dục và Đào tạo

Lương Hà |

Nam Định - Chiều ngày 30.9, Sở GDĐT tỉnh Nam Định tổ chức hội nghị công bố quyết định của Chủ tịch UBND tỉnh bổ nhiệm Giám đốc Sở GDĐT.

Xe cứu thương cháy rụi trên đường đưa bệnh nhân chuyển viện

Hoài Phương |

Bình Định - Trung chuyển bệnh nhân từ Phú Yên ra Bình Định, chiếc xe cứu thương bất ngờ cháy rụi trên đường.

Thanh Hóa khởi tố, bắt tạm giam 5 cán bộ huyện Quảng Xương

Trần Lâm |

THANH HÓA - Công an tỉnh đã bắt tạm giam 5 bị can “Lợi dụng chức vụ, quyền hạn trong khi hành công vụ", trong đó có nguyên Chủ tịch huyện.

"NewJeans Mother" is the creator of HYBE's slogan


Min Hee Jin - former CEO of ADOR company, manager of group NewJeans - revealed that she was the one who designed the logo for SM Entertainment and created the slogan of HYBE.

HYBE exposed by Billboard journalist for lying?


HYBE continues to be criticized when a famous journalist from Billboard Magazine spoke up to clarify the incident related to Min Hee Jin.

HYBE does not accept "NewJeans' mother" to return as CEO ADOR


The request to bring Min Hee Jin back to the position of CEO of ADOR was not accepted. But HYBE proposed that Min Hee Jin continue to be a producer for NewJeans for 5 years.