9 Vietnamese universities in world rankings

Vân Trang |

Among the 9 Vietnamese universities that have just entered THE's 2025 world university rankings, for the first time, Hanoi Medical University is named.

On October 9, Times Higher Education (THE) announced the world's best university rankings in 2025. Vietnam has 9 representatives in this list. Of which, Ho Chi Minh City University of Economics has the highest ranking, in the 501-600 group.

Following that are Duy Tan University and Ton Duc Thang University, both ranked in the 601-800 group.

Notably, for the first time, Hanoi Medical University and Ho Chi Minh City Open University were ranked, respectively in the 801-1000 and 1201-1500 groups, higher than Hanoi National University (group 1201-1500), Ho Chi Minh City National University (group 1501+), Hanoi University of Science and Technology (group 1501+)...

9 dai hoc cua Viet Nam vua lot vao bang xep hang dai hoc the gioi nam 2025 cua THE. Anh chup man hinh
Nine Vietnamese universities have just entered THE's 2025 world university rankings. Screenshot

Oxford University has retained its top spot in the world for the ninth consecutive year, thanks to significant improvements in the quality of its teaching. It is followed by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), which has risen to second place, overtaking Stanford University, which has dropped to sixth place. The schools in the top 10 are mainly in the US and the UK.

Chinese universities are inching closer to the top 10, with Tsinghua University and Peking University pushing their global research influence.

Meanwhile, Australia's top five universities all fell in the rankings due to declining international reputation and prospects...

THE's 2025 rankings include 2,092 higher education institutions from 115 countries and territories. THE's evaluation is based on 18 criteria, divided into 5 groups, including: Teaching (29.5%), Research environment (29%), Research quality (30%), International outlook (7.5%), Technology transfer (4%).

Vân Trang

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